Each class has its role in Hell Let Loose, each one has a different lifespan and a reason why you should play it. Some of them are fun, while some of them are boring but sometimes necessary to play.
So, which are the best classes to play in Hell Let Loose? That’s what we will talk about today and I hope that you find this article useful - let’s start:
I never really fancied being a spotter in HLL, I was forced to watch empty fields and alert my dumbass sniper once something popped up. Occasionally I would waste someone with my SMG but that was rare, as snipers usually tend to shoot from a safe distance.
While boring, this class is necessary to provide intel not only to your sniper but to your officers, as well as the commander. You can also build an observation post for your teammates to spawn on. Furthermore, you have to use your microphone - it makes things a lot easier for your sniper buddy!
Why this class is decent:
- Provides intel for your teammates about infantry
- Can build spawn points
- Easier to sneak past the front line
- Can provide information about vehicle movement(tanks, trucks, etc)
- Equipped with anti-personnel mines
Pick this class IF:
- You prefer a more slow and sneaky kind of gameplay
- Communication is your biggest strength
- You like to play behind enemy frontlines
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Bread and butter.
These guys are the most common class on the battlefield - equipped with single-bolt and semi-automatic rifles, they’re gonna be doing most of the job on the frontline. These guys are also known for dying the most, as they’re the most picked class if nothing else is left…
Your primary goal is simple - push till the enemy drops dead and repeat that as much as you can before you drop dead. Try not to die too fast and focus on objectives, not solo gameplay!
Why this class is decent:
- You will always be able to pick this class
- Their weapons usually deal a lot of damage, 1-shots are common
- Great for medium to long-distance combat
- Infantry sees the most action in Hell Let Loose
- Simple and fun to play, nothing too difficult!
Why you should pick this class:
- Can be pretty fun if you get good at the game(proper aiming, map awareness, etc)
- Can be used for different combat scenarios(storming, close-quarters combat, long-distance fighting, etc)
- You didn’t have a choice, this was the only class your teammates left for you…
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Tank’s worst nightmare!
As the name suggests, this class is equipped to deal with enemy tanks, either by rocket launchers, satchels, or mines. Some players find this class boring, and some find it fun but it was always satisfying for me to finally find an enemy tank and obliterate it with a well-placed rocket to the side <3
Frankly, there are many ways that you can play this class - like a sneaky bastard, wait for the perfect opportunity and retreat once the tank’s turret is 50 meters above the ground, or sacrifice yourself for the greater good and banzai the tank, killing yourself in the process. I always did the alternative…
Why this class is decent:
- Can be equipped with satchels, which can be detonated after a specific period
- Rocket launchers that can destroy tanks from afar
- Anti-tank mines that can obliterate enemy tanks upon contact
- One of the more useful classes for your team, although it can be slightly boring
Why you should pick this class:
- If you hate tanks, you won’t regret it
- Planting rogue mines behind the frontline can slow down enemy forces
- Satchel charges can be planted on enemy tanks
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Machine Gunner
Watch your barrel.
Or it might melt. I think we all know what this class does - your primary objective is to suppress enemy forces and as a defender, you mow down everything that moves in front of you. Although this class has a superb rate of fire and little recoil because of the bipod, there are issues…
You are an easy target for enemy snipers, as well as tanks. The reload speed is abysmal and you won’t be able to always watch your flanks. While it’s fun to shoot the MG-42, it’s not fun to run with this thing for 200 meters…
Why this class is fun:
- Can create some spectacular moments if the whole enemy team spawned at a garrison
- You go ratatatattatatatata all day long
- You don’t have to care too much about running out of ammo
- Massive damage output despite the already OP high rate of fire
Why you should pick this class:
- Provide excellent suppressive fire for your infantry
- Defend objectives from swarms of enemies
- Have you ever shot to hell a truck of Americans with the MG-42? You most definitely should!
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Where are they?
Snipers can be played offensively and defensively. Just like with the machine gunner, these guys can be decent at picking off targets trying to storm an area or pin down single targets. Also, do you know what’s the sniper's worst fear? Another sniper!
Be aware of your surroundings - some players are salty and they’ll try to sneak up behind you and detonate you with a satchel charge or a mine. Maybe they’ll just shoot you. You also don’t stand a chance against a goddamn tank, so don’t shoot at it!
Why this class is decent:
- Synergizes greatly with the spotter class
- Useful scopes designed for long-distance combat
- Can hide and be safe from enemies
- Can sneak behind enemy lines and cause disorder
- Annoying as hell to deal with if you constantly change locations
Why you should try it:
- A class with very high damage output
- Generally hard to detect
- Can be effective at picking off targets far behind enemy lines
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Also known as Medick.
These guys make sure that you don’t die too fast on the battlefield. He won’t help you IF:
- You got obliterated with a grenade
- A tank shell
- Shot in the head
- Shot multiple times on your body
- Ran over with a tank/truck
You can also farm a lot of points by being in urban areas, where there are a lot of soldiers - either by killing them or reviving your own. Seriously, what else can be said about this class?
Why this class is great:
- Can prevent a lot of salt by reviving your teammates
- Farms points like crazy
- Can be played offensively(although it’s not recommended)
- Very useful for keeping the frontline moving
Why you should pick it:
Someone gotta play this guy
Crawling for 20 meters to save your dying teammate can be quite honorful
You might not put your dismembered teammate back together but at least you’ll grab his automatic weapon
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Tank Commander
The guy who blabbers out the orders.
It’s pretty simple - you decide how the tank operates, where it drives, and what strategy you’re gonna come up with - maybe run over a mine, drive into an open field with Anti-tanks shooting at you from every direction, or maybe just get detonated with a satchel charge…
Pretty much you’ll give out commands to your driver/gunner. You also have to be aware of your surroundings, as well as what’s in front of you - you always have to prevent ambushes and communicate with your teammates in case your tank breaks, so they can spawn a repair station.
Why this class is decent:
- Can change the battle if things are going badly
- Your teammates can use you as cover
- Can shell villages and city outskirts, making it harder to defend some areas for the enemy team
Why you should try this guy:
- It’s always fun to give out orders to others
- If you feel like you know how to multitask, try this guy
- Can kill multiple people at once
- Useful for clearing out buildings
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The tank’s commander b1tch!
This guy is either a gunner or a driver - there is nothing really to say, as a driver, you do your best to avoid land and also use common sense - driving on an open field can leave you vulnerable, so don’t feel too spooked to question your commander’s orders.
Good communication and chemistry between the crewmen and a tank commander is a must - without that, your experience in the tank will be short and might severely affect the outcome of the game.
Why this class is cool:
- You drive the tank. You decide whether to drive on a mine or not!
- As a gunner, you get to obliterate bodies with shells
- +You also shell buildings, which can have plenty of soldiers inside
- Greatly supports the infantry and vice versa
Why you should try it:
- There’s nothing more relieving for the infantry than a tank rolling in to save the day
- Teammates can use your butt as cover
- Your shells deal plenty of damage. Well duh…
All I see is death.
The assault units are designed to storm cities or villages, because of their automated weaponry with a high rate of fire. The regular infantry usually sits back and lets these guys do the work, as they’re usually equipped with crappy bolt-action rifles.
If you’re gonna get into a building, make sure to shoot through the wooden walls or floors, throw grenades, and then storm the room - you don’t know how many people are inside, so cut corners and don’t always go full Rambo.
Why this class is great:
- Automated weaponry is OP in this game
- Performs greatly in close-quarters combat
- Highly out-match players with semi-automatic/bolt-action rifles
- Suppressive fire is possible with this class
Why you should try it:
- A lot more fun to play than the Rifleman
- Automatic fire can kill multiple people at once if they’re close enough
- Can clear building from building more effectively than the regular infantry
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Automatic Rifleman
Similar to the assault class.
Not much difference between this and the Assault class. Both are equipped with automatic weapons that can easily overwhelm enemies with rapid-fire and storming capabilities.
Again, pick this class if you prefer automated weaponry instead of the boring single-bolt crap that will get you killed if you miss once!
Why this class is awesome:
- You can always pick this guy if the assault class is fully taken
- Can use PPSH-41 and MP-40 early
- Generally fun to play
Why you should try it:
- Some weapons are pretty OP in this class, not just for urban settings
- MP-40 can fire 600 rounds per minute, while the PPSH-41 fires even more bullets per minute
- Accurate and deadly weaponry, fun to play with!
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In charge of squads.
This guy can set up spawn points for his squad, as well as lead them. He can communicate with the commander, plus the other officers, and discuss tactics while fighting the enemy.
Players who have experience playing Hell Let Loose should feel confident to play this class, you know how and where to set up spawn points, and how to talk with your commander on top of other things. Just don’t act like Lt. Wolfe from Platoon if things go sour!
Why this class is awesome:
- You’re in charge of the plebs
- Can set up spawn points for squad members
- Equipped with automatic weapons like the M1A1 Thompson, MP40 and PPSH-41
Why you should try it:
- A fresher experience than just constantly playing a rifleman
- Even more fun to play while playing with your friends(they won’t do anything you say!)
- If you enjoy communicating and doing teamwork stuff, feel free to pick this class!
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How do you support your team out of that?
This guy, as the name suggests, provides ammunition for his teammates and creates spawn points for officers. He’s also equipped with explosives that he can use against tanks, which can create many satisfying and memorable moments!
Machine gunners will eventually run out of ammunition and this class will be more than happy if you provide it with ammo, the same applies to any other stationary class. Furthermore, if you play this class for a while you’re gonna unlock automatic guns!
Why this class is awesome:
- Useful for the rest of the team
- Explosives can be used defensively and offensively
- Equipped with a flamethrower!
- Ammo can be deployed wherever it’s needed
Why you should pick it:
- You’re appreciated by the rest of the team. Sometimes.
- The flamethrower is fun to use on multiple people who just spawned near a garrison
- This can result in regular fighting if you’re done with supplies
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Save the day!
The engineer must have balls of steel - he’s the one who’s gonna sneak up behind an enemy tank to plant a satchel or crawl to a friendly tank across an open field to repair it. Things like setting up fortifications or anti-infantry mines can do wonders against enemies that are trying to storm an objective, plus you can destroy enemy barricades as well!
Keep in mind that you’ll be useless if you don’t have enough supplies - good team communication is a must if you want to win the game as the engineer as well, don’t just run around shooting people!
Why this class is awesome:
- Mines can be used against soldiers
- A single satchel is strong enough to destroy a tank
- Fortifications slow down enemy advances
- Hard to play against a decent Engineer if you’re attacking
Why you should try it:
- Hard to play but it eventually becomes very fun and rewarding
- Anti-infantry mines can be placed inside buildings, very annoying if you’re playing as the Assault class
- Fortifications are great for providing cover to your teammates
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The Katyusha is coming.
Finally, this guy is responsible for keeping in touch with his officers, discussing tactics with them, and sometimes calling in powerful air support, like:
- Strafing run
- Katyusha strike
- Bombing run
- Precision strike
Another important thing is setting up the garrisons - they let your teammates spawn on them and prevent them from running 300 meters just to die again. Besides, you can spawn trucks, which can transport infantry and tanks, which can easily turn the tide of battle.
The Commander class is the most important - noobs should stay far away from picking it or they will doom all of us. A decent microphone is necessary to communicate with your team, so you can avoid friendly fire situations while calling in an airstrike.
Why this class is awesome:
- Can kill over a hundred people in a single game
- Fun to play if you know what you’re doing
- Can release supply drops for your teammates
- A single artillery strike can easily annihilate the whole enemy team if they’re all fighting in the same spot
Why you should try it(one day):
- Being the boss is always fun!
- If you like managing huge groups of people, this class is definitely for you
- If being a social butterfly is your cup of tea, you’ll have fun playing this feller
- Nothing more satisfying than releasing a Katyusha on a straight line full of Krauts!
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