Hell Let Loose can sometimes be tricky in terms of aiming, especially when an enemy soldier runs through the woods and can take cover behind trees, rocks, buildings, in a trench, or behind a tank.
So I’ve decided to make a short guide about aiming - how to do it properly and what to avoid. Without further ado, let’s get started:
Close-quarters combat
Aiming down your sights is optional, you can always point the center of your screen on the enemy and you should be able to kill him. You should also pay attention to sound, as well as be aware of your surroundings - you can be ambushed at any time, so pay attention to every hole, corner and any other suspicious object that the enemy might be behind.
Medium-range combat
It’s a bit harder to aim at this range and you’re more than required to aim down your sights. If the target is stationary, all you have to do is put your sights on the upper part of the enemy soldier’s body - to maximize the chances of him dying.
If the target is moving left or right, you’ll have to put your sights slightly next to him - having it set directly on the target will cause you to miss, due to the delay of the bullet.
High-range combat

At this range, it’s pretty much impossible to kill anyone unless you’re shooting a sniper rifle or shooting shells from a tank. Just as before, out-of-cover, stationary targets are the easiest ones to kill.
The moving ones on the other hand are pretty hard to kill - you need to aim your weapon slightly next to your target, otherwise, the bullets will not connect, alert your enemy, and scare him away.

Each faction is equipped with different weapons and they all have different recoils, accuracy, and bullet damage. I think it’s obvious that weapons like the German MG-42 will excel on medium to long distances, while TT-33s work best on short distances - I don’t suggest shooting at an enemy sniper with your Walter P38 - that ain’t gonna work, feller!
Submachine guns and assault rifles work great on short to medium distances, they’re also great for storming buildings.
Setting the general quality to low will improve your chances of spotting enemies from afar - setting foliage too low causes your game to have little grass, bushes, branches, rocks, or anything else to do with nature.
Other settings, such as brightness, can give you a massive advantage on a night map, giving you practically night vision, it becomes ridiculously easy to see enemies from pretty much every distance.
In summary, if you want to have an unfair advantage over your enemies, set your options to low - it will make your game look like crap but at least your KDA will be rather impressive!