The most interesting weapons are those that have high-capacity magazines, as well as automatic fire mode - while this is surely useful in urban environments, you also have to keep in mind that bolt-action rifles can be pretty good at medium to long distances, on open fields, and such.
So I came up with the idea to make a ranking of the best weapons in Hell Let Loose. I will gladly show you my top 10 best weapons and explain why they’re great, as well as how they work.
10. Karabiner 98k
Kraut specialty!
This is a bolt-action rifle used by the Germans unless some American or Soviet decide to pick it up from a rotting corpse. Frankly, while this weapon deals enough damage to 1-shot someone, it won’t excel in urban settings, like cities, for example - mostly because of its abysmal reload speed.
You’d be better off hiding in a barn in the middle of a field and picking off incoming targets - it’s very accurate, as well as deadly, although you won’t kill anyone by shooting them in the legs once.
Why this weapon is awesome:
- Accurate, performs greatly at medium to long distances
- Anything above the waist is an instant kill
- This weapon has round clips, which makes it faster to reload(it’s still kinda slow tho)
9. M1903 Springfield
A sniper rifle used by the Americans. It has a powerful scope, which allows you to get kills from a very far distance and performs decently in urban settings, as well as more flat terrains.
Of course, you’re not gonna storm buildings with this thing, that’s not your role and it would also be a complete waste of time. Find yourself a cozy hole and shoot from there but stay aware of your surroundings, so you don’t get shoveled.
Why this weapon rocks:
- This is a sniper, which means that it's effective at longer distancs
- Extremely deadly with a well-placed shot
- Old but gold.
8. SVT40
A Soviet cupcake!
SVT40 is known for its better rate of fire than the previously mentioned rifles, due to its fire mode being semi-automatic. It also has a better magazine capacity than the Karabiner 98K, which is 10 rounds per mag.
The 7.62x54mmR caliber is more than enough to kill most enemies in 1 hit, the only exception is when you shoot the legs. Still, this weapon is nowhere near as good as an automatic rifle and you should preserve your ammunition as much as possible.
Why SVT is awesome:
- Semi-automatic, better rate of fire than the other weapons I’ve mentioned
- 10 rounds per magazine are always better than 5 rounds
- Accurate and deadly at all distances(short, medium, long)
7. Gewehr 43
Only a German could come up with a name like this…
The stats are similar to SVT40, although the stopping power is slightly better in my opinion. Gewehr also has 10 rounds per magazine, plus it’s semi-automatic. While everything sounds dandy, both this weapon and SVT40 shouldn’t be anywhere near cities or anything else that involves close fighting - due to its crappy magazine capacity.
Gewehr should be used on open fields, thanks to its excellent accuracy and range. Lovely gun!
Why Gewehr is dope:
- Performs well on flat terrain, especially when enemies are from 50-100 meters away from you
- Fairly accurate, and allows you to score sniper-tier shots
- Semi-automatic is always better than bolt-action
6. MG42
Heavy weapons guy.
If you watched Private Ryan, you’ll know that this weapon was used to annihilate Americans storming Omaha Beach - until the barrels started melting and the Yankees greeted them with flamethrowers. But that’s beside the point - these machine guns are great at creating suppressive fire, as well as defending objectives from storming enemy soldiers.
Everything comes at a cost though - you’re slow, plus an easy target for snipers and tanks. Change your location often and you should be good.
Why this weapon is great:
- Extremely high magazine count(250 rounds)
- 1200 rounds per minute - highest RPM in the game
- Great at creating suppressive fire for your advancing teammates
5. M1918A2 BAR
M1918A2 in action.
This is a fully-automatic rifle, used by the Americans. It’s pretty light and it can also be used in close-quarters combat. Additionally, it’s also equipped with a bipod, which helps with aiming.
20 rounds per magazine can be pretty disappointing, the accuracy is somewhat alright but controlling the recoil can be challenging for newer players. Play smart and don’t shoot out your magazine all at once!
Why this weapon rocks:
- Can be used offensively, as well as defensively
- Equipped with a bipod, makes it easier to control recoil while prone
- A single shot is enough to kill a Natzee!
4. StG 44
BAR’s better sibling.
StG 44 is a German assault rifle, which excels in urban combat due to its high rate of fire, plus the relatively high magazine count. The stopping power is more than enough to deal with any foe that you come across unless it’s a tank…
Unlike the American BAR, this weapon has 30 rounds per mag, as well as an improved rate of fire(450 RPM, while the BAR has 350 RPM).
Why this gun is worth using:
- Great for clearing buildings
- High bullet penetration(can shoot through wooden floors, etc)
- Excels in urban settings due to its rate of fire
3. PTRS-41
Can I use this against infantry?
Yeah, but it works better against tanks since it’s an anti-tank weapon. Shoots straight to the front of most tanks won’t do much, as they’re extremely armored and hard to penetrate. You’d be better off shooting the sides to immobilize the tank or just destroy the engine.
While this is useful to have, you have to constantly position yourself to land good shots on a tank, plus you won’t automatically destroy a tank, which will give the driver enough time to find you and kill you.
Why this AT is awesome:
- Can immobilize enemy tanks by shooting them in the tracks
- A high-caliber weapon can also be used against infantry if tanks aren’t around
- Can destroy enemy tanks with enough rounds, or at least badly damage them
2. MP-40
Funny-looking German SMG.
The best thing about the MP-40 is the magazine capacity - 32 bullets in total. Additionally, this weapon is fully-automatic, which makes it superb at killing enemies at close to medium distances. It’s possible to get kills from far distances, although it requires single shots and decent aim.
The damage is average and it’s gonna take 2-3 bullets to kill someone. Still, this is one of the best weapons for quickly advancing in cities from block to block.
Why I love the MP-40:
- 600 rounds per minute is an excellent rate of fire
- Performs great in close-quarters combat
- Above-average magazine capacity(32 rounds)
1. PPSH-41
Also known as Pepeshka.
The PPSH-41 is hands-down the best weapon in the game, primarily because of its massive magazines(stick magazine=35 rounds, drum magazine=71 rounds) and extremely high rate of fire, which can be used to storm buildings, as well as create suppressive fire for your teammates.
It’s extremely hard to counter this weapon as you can get easily overwhelmed by the rain of bullets coming straight at you. Additionally, this weapon also has some penetration value, which is good enough to kill someone by shooting through wooden planks.
Why PPSH-41 is the GOAT:
- High rate of fire, better than MP-40
- 35/71 round magazines
- The best weapon for clearing out trenches, streets, and buildings
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