If you want to succeed in Hell Let Loose your settings have to be perfect and they must be suited for your preference. Such is the case with FOV or field of view settings.
Changing the FOV setting to a higher number will allow you to see further away and have a wider vision while if you set it to a lower number it will zoom things in for you and make it easier to spot enemies. You can change the FOV in settings>gameplay. Without blabbering further let’s get into this article!
3. View Distance
This setting can be quite taxing on your low-end PC as it allows you to render objects that are further away - which means that your FPS is gonna go to crap. But if you have a gaming machine that can handle it you should crank this setting to the max and you should be able to see objects more clearly from long distances.
2. FOV 90
This is the normal FOV or field of view setting that comes with the game when you install it. It doesn’t zoom out for your character a lot and you can even use this to your advantage to see enemies from far away because it zooms into your screen. But the 90 FOV doesn’t give a wide range of vision which can hinder your performance if an enemy is hiding on the side.
1. FOV 120
If you set your field of view to 120, your screen will slightly zoom out, which allows you to see things more clearly on the sides of your screen. It’s going to improve your situational awareness, especially when you’re playing in close-quarter combat(urban areas, trenches, etc)