Hell Let Loose is filled with awesome gameplay features that make this game an outstanding experience for newer and older players - the constant feeling of dread, gore, and deadly close-quarters combat in cities.
So, I thought to myself, I think it’s about time we discussed some of the best bits about this game, what you can expect if you haven’t played HLL before and hopefully, I’ll manage to convince you to try this game!
10. Factions
- Soviets
- Americans
- Germans
Each faction has different weapons, air support, uniforms, and vehicles. Some weapons are better than others, although they don’t improve your odds of winning the round too much - your map awareness, as well as good eyesight, does.
9. Weapons
Some of the most outstanding weapons are:
- PPSH-41 - An automatic SMG with an extremely high rate of fire, as well as high magazine capacity. Used by the Soviets.
- MP-40 - Rate of fire is slower than that of PPSH-41s, although it’s a lot more accurate at longer distances. Used by the Germans.
- Thompson M1A1 - Also known as the Tommy Gun, it’s one of the most popular SMGs on the American side. Decent rate of fire, accuracy, and damage overall.
8. Air Support
7. Graphics
Funnily enough, Hell Let Loose is also that type of game that can give you an advantage if you fiddle around with the options - by turning the brightness to max, night maps become a lot clearer, which helps you with killing enemies. Additionally, disabling foliage will also make it easier for you to spot enemies from afar.
6. Realism
First of all, you’re gonna be walking a lot and not see your enemies too often. Second of all, soldiers are not bullet-sponges, they will die after 1-2 hits, 3 if they’re lucky. The third most important feature of this game is the communication system - you can talk with your commander, as well as your squad leader, and decide together how you should approach objectives - this will determine whether you’re gonna win or not.
5. Maps
You can also play maps during nighttime and during different seasons - summer, winter, or autumn.
A list of maps that you can play:
- Carentan
- Driel
- El Alamein
- Foy
- Hill 400
- Hürtgen Forest
- Kharkov
- Kursk
- Marvie
- Omaha Beach
- Purple Heart Lane
- Remagen
- Sainte-Marie-du-Mont
- Sainte-Mère-Église
- Stalingrad
- Utah Beach
4. Leveling system
The first few levels are relatively easy to again but as you progress, you will find it harder and harder to level up. You can hit the maximum level of 10 per class.
3. Gore
Of course, before you get brutally murdered, you’re gonna let out a harrowing scream that will leave you contemplating your life when the screen turns black.
2. Classes
There are also classes that have automatic weapons, like the Assault or Automatic Rifleman class - they are great for close-quarters combat in urban areas or trenches.
I could go on and on but it’s up to you to try these classes - you can destroy tanks, perform sabotage missions, play behind enemy lines, and many other activities.
1. Tanks
Of course, some maps are bad for the tanks, like the Hill 400 - dense forests, hills and lack of roads can make this a nightmarish experience for any tank enjoyer!