Settings are a huge thing in Hell Let Loose, as they can give you an advantage over your enemies. In this lovely article today, we’re gonna analyze some of the best settings that you can enable and why you should do it.
All of these settings can be enabled by going to Options>Video and then selecting the setting that you wish to alter. Without further blabbering, let’s start with the first setting:
25. Fullscreen Mode
The point of this setting is to enable the display mode of the game. It’s either fullscreen, windowed, or borderless - you might experience fewer FPS drops while playing in borderless or windowed, although it might feel a little bit weird. I play in fullscreen, as it’s just more comfortable for me!
24. Fullscreen Resolution
Your display resolution should be set to native, as by doing that you’re gonna avoid black spaces and a blurry or stretched-out screen. You can also try your luck with bigger resolutions, although that might affect your FPS.
23. Resolution Scale
Having this setting at low might make objects in front of you appear blurry and the edges won’t be very sharp. It should always be kept at 100%, although you can fiddle around with this setting and see what works out for you.
22. Brightness
To be honest, it’s totally up to you how much brightness you want. Keep in mind that you’re gonna have an advantage on darker maps, although everything is gonna look bad in terms of graphics - it’s my personal preference.
21. Shadow Quality
It’s advisable to keep this at low - it greatly eats your FPS and doesn’t provide any pleasant visuals and rarely comes useful in terms of gameplay. Playing can become unbearable when multiple players are in a small area altogether.
20. Anti-Aliasing Method
Selecting the Community TAA method is probably the best outcome, as it’s gonna improve the visibility of targets far away from you. This can allow you to score some headshots. Additionally, as a small bonus, the grass will also look semi-decent.
19. Anti-Aliasing Quality
Higher quality means worse FPS - this is one of the most FPS-consuming settings out there, so be careful - if you don’t have a beefy PC, you should switch it to low or at least medium.
Keep in mind that higher quality also means the higher quality of targets from further positions - buildings, enemies, etc.
18. View Distance
View distance enables you to see objects from longer distances. A higher value of this setting means better vision over your enemies, plus the map but at the cost of your FPS going to the toilet.
If you have a potato PC, set this setting to medium or low.
17. Foliage Quality
Foliage is the overall quality of greenery on maps in Hell Let Loose, this includes bushes, grass, trees, and anything that has to do with nature. If you set this setting to low, you’re gonna be playing with an advantage over your enemies, as it will be easier to see through the glass and bushes.
Of course, keep in mind that at that point your graphics will look like ass and you’ll be playing a Mario game!
16. Post Process Quality
This pretty much affects things like the lighting and fog. Quite obviously, this will drain your FPS and limit your vision - turn it off, you don’t need this crap.
15. SSAO
Stands for ambient occlusion. This setting in shorter terms causes objects, soldier models, and everything in the distance to be less pixelated. There are minor graphical improvements, although it could cause some FPS issues for your PC.
14. Motion Blur
This setting makes your gameplay more immersive, as well as more realistic. If you have a PC with strong counterparts, feel free to enable it. If your PC is crap, on the other hand, you should most definitely switch this setting off - to avoid poor frame rates.
13. Aspect Ratio Constraint Mode
The Z-axis slightly improves your frame rate and causes you to have an improved field of view but makes targets appear somewhat smaller from longer distances. The X-axis is the default option and most players use it to avoid issues with gameplay(enemy detection, etc).
12. FX Quality
FX is the flames, explosions, and other effects that make your game look lovely and action-packed. Of course, this also chips down at your FPS, so if you happen to be in a situation where everyone is spamming grenades or using too much flamethrower, you might want to switch this setting to low.
11. Texture Quality
This improves the quality of objects scattered on the map, including bodies and weapon skins, and many other things. Keeping it at medium will give you a fair line between gucci graphics and acceptable FPS.
10. Vertical Sync
This option should be set when your monitor encounters screen tearing, otherwise, it should be turned off, as it might severely decrease your FPS.
9. Dead Bodies Despawn Delay
The lowest value is 0,5 min, which is 30 seconds. That’s also where this setting should be kept at, as more bodies mean less FPS and an eventual crash of Hell Let Loose if you continue stacking krauts and using them for sandbags.
8. Profanity Filter
This option can be found in the Gameplay tab. Some people don’t appreciate mean words in a game like Hell Let Loose where you dismember and shoot enemy soldiers…
7. Show Hints
As the name suggests, this option simply allows you to read short guides as you play the game. Eventually, they will become pretty annoying, so turning them off later is a must.
6. Sprint Toggle
Press SHIFT once to sprint. It’s useful, as you don’t have to hold it to move faster to the frontline. Of course, if you feel like holding it, you can always disable it in the Controls tab.
5. Mouse Sensitivity
Having the right mouse sensitivity is crucial - if you’re playing in urban settings, then having a high sensitivity value is pretty necessary. If you’re playing from a longer distance, then you should keep it at low, so it’s easier to aim.
4. Show Chat For New Messages
This is pretty self-explanatory - when players write whatever they write in the chatbox, you’re gonna receive it immediately. Some players might want this option disabled, as it can distract you during gameplay.
3. Master Quality
You can switch between LOW>MEDIUM>HIGH>EPIC. I think it’s pretty obvious what each setting does and the higher it goes, the higher the likelihood of you getting frame drops.
2. Audio Quality
Hell Let Loose has some straight bangers, especially in the main menu or at the end of the round, assuming that you’ve won. That’s why you should enable your audio quality to be high or epic, I’m doubtful that it’s gonna alter your frame rate so go ahead!
1. FOV
FOV stands for field of view. It essentially allows you to see more of what is happening in front of you at the cost of your frame rate. Beefy PCs can afford this setting, while potato PCs can’t.
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