Justice and Order are among the values greatly associated with White. They are the sentinels that prevent darkness from overshadowing the realm. They control every facet that is related to keeping order and promoting peace. However, they will use any and all methods in order to seek justice and promote order. They will not stop at anything even if it means destroying everything just to keep their control of things. White is a celebration of both life and death.
25. Linden, the Steadfast Queen
What is great about this card?
- The perfect card for your mono-white life gain and devotion decks
- With its {W}{W}{W} mana cost, Linden can surely ramp up your devotion to enable your Heliod and strengthen your Daxos
- Aside from that, it is also a great card to gain life since it counts the number of attacking creatures and adds 1 life for each
24. Adanto Vanguard
What is great about this card?
- A good card that can pressure the opponent early on
- As long as you attack with this creature, it gets +2/+0 until the end of turn, allowing you to deal 3 damage per turn
- Since you can pay life to make this indestructible, you can chump block using this to prevent large amounts of damage
23. Benalish Marshal
What is great about this card?
- A three-drop creature that pumps all your creatures is always a good draw
- Benalish Marshal is a great card whether you drop it into play in the early game or in the later stages of the game
- It can be a win condition as it can pump your creatures for lethal damage
22. Speaker of the Heavens
What is great about this card?
- You really can’t get enough of life gain if you’re playing mono-white
- This is another example of life gain and token-generation in one card
- As long as you have a lot of extra life, you can always activate this card’s ability and create your army of tokens
21. Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
What is great about this card?
- Pretty decent anti-control creature
- Thalia taxes the opponent 1 mana for all non-creature spells which means card advantage and counterspells will not be as efficient
- This card is great in Humans decks as it provides
20. Nine Lives + Solemnity
What is great about this card?
- These two cards are pretty janky but powerful as long as they come together
- Nine Lives is a great emergency card that will prevent damage from being dealt to you. However, if you get Solemnity on the board, Nine Lives will not get any counters which means that you will not lose the game unless Nine Lives gets removed.
- Removing Nine Lives can be a difficult task because it has hexproof. The opponent’s best bet in this situation is to deal with Solemnity and start attacking all over again
19. Rule of Law
What is great about this card?
- If you want to play on your own, then this card is great for you
- Imagine having a counterspell and passing the turn to your opponent. Your opponent will not be able to play his/her cards as long as you have a counterspell in hand
- This can get you wins most probably through rage quits
18. Doomskar
What is great about this card?
- Another addition to the growing collection of Standard-legal board wipes
- One good thing about Doomskar is its Foretold mechanic
- You can pay the Foretold cost at Turn 2 and the card will no longer be in your hand. This is great against discarder decks as you already safeguarded your board wipe
17. Ajani’s Pridemate
What is great about this card?
- This is a key card in life gain decks as it gets stronger the more life you gain
- Every instance that you gain life, Ajani’s Pridemate gains a +1/+1 counter, making it larger as the game progresses
16. Angel of Invention
What is great about this card?
- A pretty niche card that can bring a lot of value to the right deck
- Angel of Invention is a powerful card when placed in decks that have graveyard recursion abilities, most especially GPG decks
- Since its mana cost is pretty high, you can extract its value when you reanimate it from the graveyard as it can be a really large creature or you can get two small creatures with it
15. Anointed Procession
What is great about this card?
- Great card to have in token-generating decks
- Having this card on the battlefield means that you get to assemble your token army twice as fast
- Combine this with cards like Finale of Glory, and you get a vast army of creature tokens that can overrun the opponent’s board
14. Gideon of the Trials / Gideon Blackblade
What is great about this card?
- Either of these two Gideon planeswalkers can be placed in your deck since they are versatile planeswalkers
- These planeswalkers are very much alike as they cost the same, and their abilities are pretty much the same as well
- You can use Gideon of the Trials as a safety net if you are already in danger of losing the game and you need a bit more time to find the answers to your opponent’s threat
- Gideon Blackblade, on the other hand, works well with other creatures and it is the more aggressive of the two
13. Ajani, Strength of the Pride
What is great about this card?
- Just like the majority of cards in this list, it is also good for life gain
- The more creatures and planeswalkers you control, the more life you gain
- You can also summon an Ajani Pridemate token on the field or use the [0] ability to control the board
12. Daxos, Blessed by the Sun
What is great about this card?
- A decent blocker and life gain engine that can contribute well to your devotion
- With its {W}{W} casting cost, it is a very cheap creature that can function well as a blocker since its toughness can get very high
- It is also good at giving life since you get 1 life from this every time a creature you control enters the battlefield
11. Kor Spiritdancer
What is great about this card?
- Mono-white decks often revolve around life gain or equipment. Kor Spiritdancer is a key creature for the latter iteration of mono-white
- The more auras you attach to Kor Spiritdancer, the higher the damage it can deal
- It also gives you card advantage since every time you cast an Aura spell, you get to draw a card
10. Settle the Wreckage
What is great about this card?
- Lands, in exchange for a cleared board, is an exchange that most people will prefer
- Since it is an instant, your opponents need to play around with this card if they don’t want all their creatures to be exiled
- Other players forget about this card and just turn all their creatures sideways resulting in a huge Settle the Wreckage which can cancel out all their progress
9. Heliod, Sun-Crowned
What is great about this card?
- Get this card on the board even if your devotion is not yet at the right amount to maximize its effects
- Heliod can be a crucial piece to your deck as it can already start giving +1/+1 counters even if it is not yet a creature
- This is a very powerful card even if it can’t attack or block because it is almost untouchable and it can keep giving counters to your creatures
8. Charming Prince
What is great about this card?
- Its various ETB effects can help you in any situation you are in
- With three ETB effects, you can choose which is the most suitable for you. It can help you manipulate your deck with its Scry 3, it can also help you pad your health with its life gain
- You can also use its third ability to bring back a creature you own that is currently controlled by the opponent
7. Alseid of Life’s Bounty
What is great about this card?
- A one-drop creature that can protect your other important pieces
- This one-drop lifelink enchantment creature is great at preventing targetted spells from destroying your creatures and enchantments
- Since it is also counted as an enchantment, Alseid adds more power to ALl That Glitters
6. All That Glitters
What is great about this card?
- Mono-white enchantments and artifact decks are still pretty strong because of this card
- The more enchantments and artifacts you have on the board, the more powerful the creature All That Glitters is attached to becomes
- This is a great card that can threaten lethal immediately especially if you place it on creatures with flying
5. Archon of Sun’s Grace
What is great about this card?
- This card is great at generating tokens if placed on the right deck
- Archon of Sun’s Grace is also one of the niche cards in this list as its value can really be seen on specific types of decks
- Having this card on your Yorion decks means that you can generate a lot of tokens when Yorion enters the battlefield
4. Approach of the Second Sun
What is great about this card?
- A really powerful win condition that you can simply place on any white deck
- You can use this as an alternative win condition in your white decks
- In control decks, this may be one of their primary win conditions as having a complete playset of this in the deck means that you can cast this in consecutive turns before the opponent can find an answer to it
3. Divine Visitation
What is great about this card?
- Another strong token generating card, Divine Visitation can turn your 1/1 tokens into 4/4 fliers
- Every token you get will be converted to a 4/4 flier so even if you only cast a bunch of 1/1 tokens, you will get a bigger army
- Combine this with other token generators like Archon of Sun’s Grace and Anointed Procession and you will get a huge army of 4/4 angels real quick
2. Luminous Broodmoth
What is great about this card?
- A great card that can give your creatures a second life
- This card is excellent since you can just swing your creatures and trade because you will get them back with Luminous Broodmoth
- You can also utilize this ability on the defensive since you can chump block on the opponent’s big creatures and then swing back with the creatures you used to block
1. Elspeth Conquers Death
What is great about this card?
- Elspeth Conquers Death is a really powerful card that can deal with the opponent’s larger threats
- Aside from ECD, exiling a huge threat, it can also tax your opponent for 2 mana in their next turn. This discourages them from casting a non-creature spell especially removal spells as it will cost a lot of mana
- When this Saga hits the third chapter, you can bring back a creature or planeswalker from your graveyard. This is a good mechanic as it allows you to be more flexible in using your planeswalkers
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