Rank them and rate them.
Sims 4 is full of different packs you can purchase to add more variety to your game. There are expansion packs, game packs, stuff packs, and kits that you can choose from for your own game.
Expansion packs usually contain more gameplay, CAS, and BuildBuy items for the Sims 4. How do you choose which one is worth having?
Let's rank all eleven expansion packs from worst to best. Find out the best expansion packs for this year, 2022.
11. City Living
Official trailer of City Living.
Bringing apartments to the Sims 4, the City Living expansion pack brings the city to your sims' life. Your sims can enjoy the new world, San Myshuno, and strive to live in the penthouse.
Living in the new apartments, you will find some intriguing lot traits placed on your apartment. Historical is one trait that honestly should have been more than a plaque you cannot sell nor remove.
This expansion brought collecting snow globes and posters to Sims 4. You can buy snow globes at the Flea Market from time to time.
Even though this pack doesn't have a ton of gameplay, it still brings more build-buy items and CAS items. City Living isn't a horrible pack to play.
It simply fell short of the hype. The Sims 4 City Living is the worst expansion pack for now in 2022.
City Living full details: Official Page
City Living score: 3/10
10. Get Famous
Get Famous with this trailer.
Ever wanted fame and fortune? That became possible for your sims with the Get Famous expansion pack.
Becoming famous can be a little tricky when you first begin unless you like to use cheats. The job that comes with this expansion back, actor career, is fun to mess around with, but you need to do a lot of skill-building.
Even though this pack provides new costumes and a new world, it's lacking. Del Sol Valley is where it falls short.
A new world with an expansion pack is good, but we want that world to have plenty of lots to build and play with our sims. Del Sol Valley is very small, with one somewhat empty lot to build on.
Get Famous full details: Official Page
Get Famous score: 5/10
9. Get Together
Get Together and experience the expansion.
Your sims get to attend dance parties, become a DJ, or even join a club with the Sims 4 Get Together. You even have a new world called Windenburg to explore.
If you are familiar with Sims 2's Veronaville, the style in Windenburg is heavily similar to it. The world of Windenburg is one of the most disappointing parts of this expansion pack.
Sure, you get clubs, DJ, and dancing skills, but it all falls short. There was so much potential to bring back the story of Veronaville.
The build and buy items are some of the redeemable things in Get Together. It could be a lot better if there were more lore and a more usable world like they have been giving us.
Get Together full details: Official Page
Get Together score: 7/10
8. Cats & Dogs
Play with your pets and have them as your furry companion.
Having pets in the Sims 4 has always been a must-have. Cats & Dogs brought back the beloved pets for the sims.
The pets are not selectable without adding a mod. However, the world of Brindleton Bay is beautiful, especially the lighthouse that you can visit.
After this expansion pack was out for a while, the sims team made a stuff pack called My First Pet. The hamsters, pet clothes, and other items should have been in the expansion pack.
While Cats & Dogs may not be a fan favorite, the furniture is fantastic to use. Who doesn't love to train their dogs or even take in a stray? It is still fun to play despite the shortcomings.
Cats & Dogs full details: Official Page
Cats & Dogs score: 6/10
7. Eco Lifestyle
Become enviromentally friendly.
Do it yourself (DIY) projects have been rising for years on youtube and Pinterest. With the community votes and the Sims team on the job, they brought us the Eco Lifestyle expansion pack.
This pack uses a game mechanic where your sim's actions can affect the world around them. They can even live in a cargo container if they so choose.
The items for both BuildBuy and CAS are a great addition to the game. There are a few frustrations that come with Eco Living.
Eco Living has scam calls asking your sim for money. There is a game mechanic where the voting system will affect any world except Strangerville and Destination Worlds.
The expansion pack is delightful in the building aspect. Gameplay could be better with more depth.
Eco Lifestyle full details: Official Page
Eco Lifestyle score: 8/10
6. Discover University
Get your degree with the rest of the sims.
Sending your sims to university has always been a stepping stone in gameplay. Sims 4 didn't have a university for a long time until they released Discover University.
There are two different Universities within the world of Britechester where you can live in a dorm or live in a house on campus. Secrets dwell in Britechester, secrets that can lead your sim into a strange society.
While secret societies are fun, Discover University didn't hold up to what Sims 3 had. Sims 3 wasn't full of rabbit holes for their universities.
Even though Discover University is full of rabbit holes, it did bring in robotics along with speech and debate. With all the shortcomings this expansion pack has, it is redeeming with the amount of storytelling ability it brings.
Discover University full details: Official Page
Discover University score: 7/10
5. Get To Work
Will you go mad or learn to fix the broken.
Mad scientists, detectives, and doctors, oh my! Join your sim on their workday or build a portal to Sixam with Get To Work.
Get To Work brought the ability to have the option to join your sim at work. Or to open a retail store in Magnolia Promenade.
Two of the best features are aliens and the careers you can join with your sims. Get To Work would have been number one if it had not been for a couple of other packs.
It opened up the world for sims and gave more gameplay. This expansion pack set the bar for the other expansion packs.
Get To Work full details: Official Page
Get To Work score: 9/10
4. Seasons
Experience the world with seasons and holidays.
Rain or shine, your sims can enjoy the seasons with the Seasons expansion pack. This pack brought many new items to play with and holidays to experience.
Seasons was the expansion pack that brought us calendars, umbrellas, and controls for the thermostat. With the changes in seasons, you will also have a change in weather.
The changing weather can be deadly if your sim doesn't dress appropriately. When it comes to the gameplay, you can make snowmen, have pool parties, ice-skate, and enjoy the holidays with the sim's family.
As simplistic as it may be, Season is still a classic expansion pack that brings new dangers to the game. Who doesn't love to mess around with blizzards?
Seasons full details: Official Page
Seasons score: 8/10
3. Snowy Escape
Enjoy the snow, it never leaves.
Taking inspiration from Japan, Snowy Escape brings a brand new world to life. This expansion pack brought new adventures of gameplay to your sims.
The world that comes with Snowy Escape is both residential and a destination. Your sim can challenge themselves with rock climbing or enjoy a relaxing day at the Onsen Bathhouse.
New festivals came into play, as did lifestyles and even a new career. Just like any game, there are a few glitches here and there.
Having the ability to raise the floor or lower can be rather tricky to figure out. However, this expansion pack is one of the best packs made.
Gameplay is repeatable and fun every time you go back to the world. Your sims can enjoy nature or fight a vending machine.
Snowy Escape full details: Official Page
Snowy Escape score: 9/10
2. Island Living
Don't forget your sunscreen.
Live on the water, restore the beach, or become a mermaid with Island Living. Traditions are strong in Sulani, and the neighbors will never let you down.
Island Living gives you the chance to clean up the beaches and the ocean with a new conservation career. You can also take odd jobs while you explore the island.
The best feature with this expansion pack is the new occult life state, mermaids. Sulani is gorgeous to live in, and it has plenty of lots to build on.
There is only one downside to this expansion pack. Playability with the conservation isn't replayable. That doesn't take away from the rest of the expansion pack.
Island Living details: Official Page
Island Living score: 9/10
1. Cottage Living
Rabbits, Birds, and Foxes. OH MY!
Many simmers requested the sim gurus to bring the ability to run a farm to the Sims 4. They finally answered with the Cottage Living expansion pack.
You get Llamas, Cows, Chickens, Rabbits, and birds to befriend. Watch out for the foxes that lurk about your farm.
This pack allows you to build an adorable cottage, complete with a chicken coop. Cottage Living went above the bar by giving more lore and contests.
This pack is a work of art with the new world of Henford-on-Bagely. It is as if the sims team wrote a love letter to the entire community.
Cottage Living full details: Official Page
Cottage Living score: 10/10
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