15 Best Secrets in The Witcher 3: Page 12 of 15

best witcher 3 secrets you need to know
I`ll Slay all the monsters with this cursed blade

4. Secret Treasure at Crow's Nest

Now which one of these is Roach?

Location : Crow`s nest is a big area, and the Baron`s residence has a lot of loot to find – but the best chests are hidden. Start by going left of the Quartermaster and up the ladder. Then go to the top of the building by first climbing and then jumping into the room on the top.

After that head into the inner courtyard and then when you turn left, you should see wooden stairs leading to a ruined tower.

Just ahead of the tower are the stables. To enter the stables just climb the tower from above . After that go to the garden where you first met Baron in. There should be a well, go straight down using the ladder. The cave should be free of enemies.

Reward : Each of the above places, i.e the room on the top, the tower, the stables and the well will boast a massive stash of loot. There will be quite a few chests having diagrams for swords and armors.

This video should help you understand:

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