2K Games: A List of the 10 Best 2K Games To Play in 2015 and 2016: Page 3 of 10

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2K goodness!

8. The Darkness II

Enjoy your first-person shooters soaked in blood and entrails? The Darkness II will turn your stomach as one of the goriest first-person shooters around.

You are Don Jackie Estacado, head of the Franchetti crime family. You also happen to be in possession of the Darkness, a sinister, supernatural force giving you incredible powers.


They should probably just run away

Those powers include controlling enormous worm-like monstrosities that strike at enemies, sinking their teeth into heads, necks, and whatever looks particularly scrumptious to them. And while they’re busy tearing your foes into bloody chunks, you can pump their bodies with lead using your two pistols. Talk about overkill!

One of the best 2K games, if you enjoy your first-person shooters with huge helpings of horror.


Your gun doesn't impress her


Not the best way to go

Writer, Gamer, Dreamer
Gamer Since: 1986
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Bloodborne, Mortal Kombat X, Tera Online
Top 3 Favorite Games:Dark Souls II, Bioshock Infinite, Dragon Age: Inquisition

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tsheardy's picture

tsheardy 5 years 6 months ago

Nioshock was my favorite game the year.

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