[Top 10] Dota Underlords Best Builds That Wreck Hard!

Dota Underlords Best Builds
19 Jul 2022

What Are The Best Builds in Dota Underlords?

With the arrival of the 30th of August patch, the gates of the Dota Underlords have been opened to new and fun ideas of builds that are now dominating the chess boards.

With a lot of shields and defensive mechanisms, the Knights alliance is most certainly the core you want to have for the strongest builds. Due to the Dragons alliance, players have a plethora of choices that they can now go for and absolutely obliterate their opponents.

Without further ado , here are the best Dota Underlords in the current patch:

1. Knight/Dragons

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The king of the Knights

As the number one competitor, we have the Knight/Dragon build which relies mostly on finding the 6 Knights to rule them all. Early game, the units you want to keep an eye out for are usually Bat Riders and Chaos Knights, due to their high amount of damage and their support-like abilities. Once you gathered all of your 6 knights, you want to look forward to finding the Viper, also known as Pepega and you now have the Dragons alliance online; get in a Necrophos and a Witch Doctor/Disruptor so that you have your Warlocks and you got yourself a pretty hard to demolish wall of pain. Remember that you are playing Knights and you want to hit as many level 3s as possible, so level 8 is a good level to stabilize and roll in case you took a lot of damage while searching for your Knights.


  • Bat Rider
  • Chaos Knight
  • Luna
  • Abaddon
  • Omniknight
  • Dragon Knight
  • Viper
  • Witch Doctor/Disruptor
  • Necrophos
  • Troll Warlord


  • 6 Knights
  • 2 Dragons
  • 2 Warlocks
  • 3 Trolls
  • 2 Heartless
  • 2 Humans
  • 1 Demon


  • Bracers of Desperation (Abaddon)
  • Mask of Madness (Luna)
  • Octarine Essence (Necrophos)
  • Moon Shard (Dragon Knight)
  • Tombstone (optional)

2. Primordials/Assassins/Mages

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The Primordial carry himself

A very noob friendly build that every new player should try out while learning about the best units in Dota Underlords,Primordials have a cheap and strong start with Tiny being a must have in your early game.

This build will teach you on how to work with your economy due to the Primordial alliance bonus that prolongs the fight with Eidolons you from losing too much HP early into the game.

Once you hit your mages and assassins, which are low cost units, this build takes a turn for the worse for your opponents. The goal for this build is to hit level 3s on your assassins.


  • Tiny
  • Razor
  • Morphling
  • Puck
  • Queen of Pain
  • Crystal Maiden
  • Viper
  • Arc Warden


  • 4 Primordials
  • 3 Mages
  • 3 Assassins
  • 2 Dragons
  • 1 Demon


  • Bracers of Desperation (Morphling)
  • Arcane Boots (Tiny)
  • Octarine Essence (Puck)
  • Summoning stone
  • Maelstrom (Arc Warden)
  • Vanguard (Viper)
  • Tombstone

3. Brawny/Hunters

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Axes will be flying!

Once a force to be reckoned with , the Brawny/Hunter build still finds a spot on the top 10 list as they have dominated last patch, wreaking havoc game after game.

The key unit to get a successful build like this one is the Beastmaster. Early rounds BM will usually carry you through the start of the game and give you enough time to 3 star your units.

The build has a good amount of damage and enough HP for your opponents to go crazy every time they look at your 6000 HP Beastmaster. Once you find your Disruptor, the Exodia is complete and victory has never been closer.


  • Axe
  • Drow Ranger/Medusa
  • Beastmaster
  • Pudge/Tidehunter
  • Juggernaut
  • Lycan
  • Disruptor
  • Necrophos


  • 4 Brawnies
  • 3 Warriors
  • 3 Hunters
  • 2 Warlocks
  • 2 Heartless
  • 2 Scaled


  • Octarine Essence (Beastmaster)
  • Blade Mail (Axe)
  • Arcane Boots (Juggernaut)
  • Moon Shard (Lycan)

4. Scrappy/Mages

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Boom, boom, BOOM!

With a high amount of damage under their explosive belts, the Scrappy units have gone from Kings in the early game to Gods in the late game.

The plan is simple, blow away their team with tier 3 units. Primarily, these units work hand in hand with the buff that is offered by the Mage alliance and it usually doesn’t need to hit level 10 to take down the strongest builds out there.

Once you hit your level 8, search for the most important unit in this build, Tinker, give him a 3 star, sit back, relax and enjoy the fireworks.


  • Timbersaw
  • Clockwerk
  • Tinker
  • Alchemist
  • Disruptor/ Shadow Fiend
  • Crystal Maiden
  • Puck
  • Keeper of the Light
  • Techies


  • 5 Scrappies
  • 4 Inventors
  • 2 Warlocks
  • 3 Mages
  • 2 Humans
  • 1 Demon


  • Arcane Boots (Alchemist)
  • Vanguard (Timbersaw)
  • Refresher Orb (Disruptor)
  • Blade Mail (Clockwerk)
  • Blink Dagger (Tinker)

5. Elusive/Demon Hunters

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Metamorphosis complete!

Being a build harder to pull off, Elusives have the potential to beat every single composition of creatures that lack a lot of magic damage.

The early game core is Treant Protector and Nature’s Prophet, a very powerful opening hand that can carry you with ease, especially if you hit a 2 star very early into the game.

Elusives tend to do well once they hit their 6 and 9 units bonus,respectively. You want to hit level 10 as soon as possible, drop a Terrorblade onto the board and let the “miss” begin.


  • Anti Mage
  • Nature’s Prophet
  • Luna
  • Windranger
  • Puck
  • Treant Protector
  • Phantom Assassin
  • Templar Assassin
  • Mirana
  • Terrorblade


  • 9 Elusives
  • 2 Demon Hunters
  • 1 Demon
  • 2 Druids


  • Vanguard (Treant Protector)
  • Arcane Boots  (Nature’s Prophet)
  • Mask of Madness (Phantom Assassin)
  • Black King Bar (Terrorblade)
  • Tombstone

6. Brawny/Warriors

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The Blademaster has arrived.

With a tankier twist added to the Brawny alliance, this build will take you a long way before someone can actually challenge your line up.

Due to the magic and physical damage reduction, the strength of this build comes from the fact that your opponent can’t take down your units before his run out of time.

With Beastmaster on your side, there will always be a good amount of AoE and with the crowd control coming from Tidehunter and Disruptor, you got yourself a Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.


  • Axe
  • Beastmaster
  • Slardar
  • Pudge
  • Juggernaut
  • Doom
  • Tidehunter
  • Disruptor
  • Necrophos
  • Troll Warlord/Crystal Maiden (optional)


  • 4 Brawnies
  • 6 Warriors
  • 2 Warlocks
  • 2 Scaled
  • 2 Heartless
  • 1 Demon


  • Blade Mail (Axe)
  • Arcane Boots (Juggernaut)
  • Vanguard (Slardar)
  • Octarine Essence (Beastmaster)
  • Refresher Orb (Tidehunter)

7. Scrappy/Hunters

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You look like you could use a potion!

Scrappies have been longing for a more physical damage oriented composition and now with the Sniper joining the alliance we have the opportunity to go Hunters and add a lot more damage to the already strong and most of the time stable line up.

The key to this build is still finding your 3 star Tinker and Clockwerk but your opponents will now have to deal with the inevitable physical damage caused by your Hunters.


  • Drow Ranger
  • Timbersaw
  • Tinker
  • Clockwerk
  • Sniper
  • Alchemist
  • Necrophos
  • Techies
  • Lycan
  • Crystal Maiden


  • 6 Scrappies
  • 4 Inventors
  • 2 Heartless
  • 2 Warlocks
  • 3 Hunters


  • Vanguard (Timbersaw)
  • Blink Dagger (Tinker)
  • Blade Mail (Clockwerk)
  • Arcane Boots (Alchemist)
  • Moon Shard (Sniper/Lycan)

8. Elusive/Assassins

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The murloc carry!

Another way of finding success with the Elusive alliance is to enable the Assassin trait and boost your damage to another level. While your opponents are struggling to hit your units, you are splashing red all over the board, how is that not fun?

Personally I like to use Slark as my 3rd assassin but this build can be easily played with Sand King as well. Your goal here is to work on getting at least one assassin to level 3 (Phantom Assassin/Slark) and then getting level 10 for your Elusive alliance trait.


  • Anti Mage
  • Luna
  • Treant Protector
  • Nature’s Prophet
  • Windranger
  • Phantom Assassin
  • Puck
  • Slark
  • Templar Assassin
  • Mirana


  • 9 Elusives
  • 3 Assassins
  • 2 Druids


  • Mask of Madness (Slark)
  • Vanguard (Treant Protector)
  • Windranger (Maelstrom)

9. Primordials/Mages/Shamans

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If you want to have fun, bring a friend!

Being one of my favourite builds, this has always given me only positive results due to the amount of crowd control and the burst damage that this composition brings to the table.

This build will gradually make you feel ten times stronger every time you find your Arc Warden and Enigma. Make sure that you replace your Tiny once find your Shamans and never forget to put Disruptor in the frontline due to the polymorphs he could reward you with.

This build is noob friendly so everyone can try it out and see for yourselves the number of chickens you’ll be fighting on your board.


  • Morphling
  • Razor
  • Enigma
  • Puck/Lich
  • Crystal Maiden
  • Disruptor
  • Arc Warden
  • Shadow Fiend
  • Viper/Dragon Knight


  • 4 Primordials
  • 3 Mages
  • 2 Dragons
  • 2 Warlocks
  • 3 Shamans
  • 1 Demon


  • Helm of the Undying (Enigma)
  • Octarine Essence (Puck)
  • Maelstrom (Arc Warden)
  • Bracers of Desperation (Morphling)
  • Refresher Orb (Disruptor)

10. Warrior/Trolls

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Go ahead, call your team, they can't un-DOOM you!

Being unpopular due to the lack of damage ,Warriors have been mocked at for the past couple of months but fear not, with the changes that made Dota Underlords a little bit more slow paced, this alliance made a gorgeous return to the board.

With high amounts of HP and armor and the Scaled bonus, you have a strong wall that many will struggle to get past.

Your goal with this build is to survive the early game and to find your Trolls; once you get your Warrior/Troll traits active you may rest assured, very few will get past the wall of beefy tanks.


  • Doom
  • Pudge
  • Slardar
  • Witch Doctor
  • Shadow Shaman
  • Bat Rider
  • Kunkka
  • Tidehunter
  • Disruptor
  • Troll Warlord


  • 6 Warriors
  • 4 Trolls
  • 2 Scaled
  • 2 Warlocks
  • 1 Demon


  • Blade Mail (Pudge)
  • Arcane Boots (Kunkka)
  • Refresher Orb (Tidehunter)
  • Mask of Madness (Troll Warlord)
  • Vanguard (Slardar)
  • Scythe of Vyse (Disruptor)
  • Blink Dagger (Doom)
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