Top 15 Games Like Persona 5 (Games Better Than Persona 5 In Their Own Way) : Page 13 of 15

Games Like Persona 5
Modern Day Peter Pan

3) Quantum Break

“Quantum Break” Gameplay

Quantum Break is a science fiction third-person shooter set in Riverport. Players play as Jack Joyce, who has the power to manipulate time, as he fights with his ex-friend Paul Serene. Both can time travel, but the two disagree on how to deal with an apocalyptic event called the “End of Time”. The game’s biggest time rule is that no time traveler action can change time; for example, if someone was meant to die in an accident and Jack saves them from it, they end up dying another way. Jack has a lot of time-oriented attacks in battle, like the ability to stop time and evade attacks, as well as freezing enemies in a time bubble. Quantum Break is an interesting take on the traditional concept of time travel, and it incorporates it seamlessly in all aspects of the game.

Trap enemies in time bubbles to stop their movements

It really looks like a real experimental zone

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