[Top 15] LOL Best Ward Spots for Winning Games
Wards in League of Legends:
Wards are stationary objects that can be placed on the map to improve visibility if they do not expire or are destroyed by the enemy.If the enemy places a control ward near it, your ward will lose the area’s vision.
Types of Wards:
1-Warding Totem
It becomes stealthy after 2 seconds of being placed and lasts for up to 2 minutes.
2-Oracle Lens
By turning it on, you summon a sweeping drone, which will follow you for 10 seconds and reveal wards and traps.
3-Farsight Alteration
- Advantages:
It can be placed from a far distance, which will give the advantage of gaining vision of an area without having to go into the fog of war.
It does not expire unless an enemy destroys it.
- Disadvantages:
The enemy can see the farsight ward even without control wards.
It provides less vision than other wards.
4-Control Ward
This ward can be purchased for 75 gold and it gives not only visions of an area but it also reveals enemy wards and traps. It also can reveal Camouflaged champions as well.
Each player can only have one control ward on the map, but the limit increases by one if you have the ‘Vigilant Wardstone’ item.
Best Warding Locations:
15-General Top Lane (Blue Team)
These wards are placed in the early game till you win/lose the lane which means losing the first turret as it will help in:
- Securing the rift by always keeping an eye on it
- Giving your jungler an advantage with the pink so he can gank from the river or using the bomb on the blue side.
- When you see the enemy jungler on the top side, always go for the safe play.
14- General Top Lane (Red Team)
These wards are placed in the early game till you win/lose the lane which means losing the first turret as it will help in:
- Securing the rift by always keeping an eye on it.
- Giving your jungler an advantage with the pink means he can gank from the red side.
- When you see the enemy jungler on the top side, always go for the safe play.
13-Wining Top Lane (Blue Team)
Once you hit the first turret or you outlane your top lane opponent, you will have more space to ward, and you need vision in these places so that you can:
- Take advantage of the enemies’ jungle, specially the red buff.
- Having the advantage of pushing up top while knowing that the enemy jungler is far away.
- Roaming freely.
12- Wining Top Lane (Red Team)
Once you hit the first turret or you outlane your top lane opponent, you will have more space to ward, and you need vision in these places so that you can:
- Use the enemies' jungle, especially the blue buff.
- Having the advantage of pushing top lane while knowing the enemy jungler is a long distance away.
- Free roaming.
11-General Mid Lane (Blue Team)
Mid lane is one of the most competitive lanes, where everyone passes, and the jungler is more likely to gank you a lot, so you need to ward it well using your jungler’s help so that you can:
- Roam freely as a midlaner which is kind of a huge part of your role’s responsibility.
- Have vision on both the dragon and Rift or Baron so that you can always secure it.
- Wards places are cirtical so that you can always have vision of every place the enemy jungler can come from.
10-General Mid Lane (Red Team)
Mid lane is one of the most competitive lanes, where everyone passes, and the jungler is more likely to gank you a lot, so you need to ward it well using your jungler’s help so that you can:
- As a midlaner, you have a lot of freedom, which is a big part of your job.
- Have a clear vision of the dragon, as well as Rift or Baron, so that you can always secure it.
- Ward positions are circular so that you can always see where the enemy jungler is coming from.
9-Winning Mid Lane (Blue Team)
Once you hit the first mid turret you will need to roam a lot and also get advantage of the enemy jungler camps which means you need some good vision and those spots will allow you to:
- Have vision of the enemies' blue and red buffs, which cover almost the whole jungle, which would out-game the enemy jungler.
- You will be able to snipe off champions walking alone in the jungle if you are playing as an assassin or someone who one-shots.
- Can freely take down Baron and Dragon while knowing where the enemies are located.
8- Winning Mid Lane (Red Team)
Once you hit the first mid turret you will need to roam a lot and also get advantage of the enemy jungler camps which means you need some good vision and those spots will allow you to:
- Have vision of the enemy's blue and red buffs, which cover almost the entire jungle, and out-game the enemy jungler.
- If you play as an assassin or someone who one-shots, you will be able to snipe champions walking alone in the jungle.
- can easily defeat the baron and dragon while knowing where the enemies are.
7-General Bot Lane (Blue Team)
Bot Lane is a lucky, or should I say unlucky, location when it comes to the enemy jungler who constantly ganks bot in order to kick the ADC and support out of the game and put him behind, so these spots will help you to:
- secure the dragon, including the dragon, which is the bot’s job.
- Knowing where the jungler is so you don't push blindly and end up with a fiddlesticks one-shotting you.
- being able to recall and return to the lane without losing the turret or dragon.
6- General Bot Lane (Red Team)
Bot Lane is a lucky, or should I say unlucky, location when it comes to the enemy jungler who constantly ganks bot in order to kick the ADC and support out of the game and put him behind, so these spots will help you to:
- The bot's job is to secure the dragon, including the dragon.
- Knowing where the jungler is so you don't push blindly and get one-shot by a fiddlesticks
- Being able to recall and return to the lane without losing the turret or dragon.
5- Winning Bot Lane (Blue Team)
Once you win bot lane, make sure that everyone is going to come to you, and it will be more of a party in the bot, so you should make sure to have those nicely placed wards so that you don’t die for nothing, and these places would help you:
- Securing dragon and mid lane with the help of your support
- You can get the bot side camps of your opponents' camps or just leave it for your jungler.
- Know when to push the lane and when to back down without losing spells or just dying for nothing.
4- Winning Bot Lane (Red Team)
Once you win bot lane, make sure that everyone is going to come to you, and it will be more of a party in the bot, so you should make sure to have those nicely placed wards so that you don’t die for nothing, and these places would help you:
- Secure dragon and mid lanes with the help of your support.
- You can either take your opponents' bot side camps or leave them for your jungler.
- Knowing when to push the lane and when to back down without losing spells or dying for nothing is essential.
3-Blue Team Winning Vision Control
Once you are all set and you are ready to get that victory, you need to know how to well place all the team’s wards so that you can get the elder (if you have reached it) and the baron before going into the enemy's base, which means that you need to have vision of every single spot of the enemy's jungle, and those spots will help you to:
- Know when the opponents are going out of the base through the small gates in the wall or just teleporting to the middle of the jungle.
- Clearing the enemy’s jungle so that you can get gold and experience.
- Getting the baron and elder without being interrupted by the opponents
2-Red Team Winning Vision Control
Once you are all set and you are ready to get that victory, you need to know how to well place all the team’s wards so that you can get the elder (if you have reached it) and the baron before going into the enemy's base, which means that you need to have vision of every single spot of the enemy’s jungle, and those spots will help you to:
- Recognize when opponents are exiting the base through the small gates in the wall or simply teleporting to the middle of the jungle.
- Clearing the enemy's jungle so you can gain gold and experience.
- Getting the baron and elder without being interrupted by the opponents.
1-Sneaky Baron Ward
If you are willing to make a trap for the enemies or just recall to base before going to the baron, you need to well secure the baron spot, which will help you:
- If enemies have already begun killing the baron, use long-distance skills like Jinx's R or Draven's.
- To know if the enemies have a trap for you and are staying in some bush waiting for your team to pass by.
- Getting the baron without losing a team member.
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