21 Indie Horror Games You Probably Don't Know About: Page 15 of 19

indie horror games
The Nighmare is Real

17. Night Blights

There is a gremlin in my toilet

That is not Santa Clause coming down your chimney

Check under the bed in Night Blights

In the dead of night, a child wakes up from their slumber.  Their parents are fast asleep, but there is someone, or something lurking in the darkness.  The house has become infested with little monsters.

Time to go hunting throughout the house for gremlin-like beasts that are scattered from the bedroom to the kitchen.  Each night survived means the following will only be more difficult.  Manage your time at different parts of the home, as the blights are eager to come out and attack, some more aggressive than the others.  The darkness of the home and minimalistic sounds helps creates tension, which builds up to a game-ending jump scare that will leave the player screaming.

Surviving the week does not mean your safe with a number of different game modes available.  There are Easter Eggs and secrets scattered through the house.  And then there is the ultimate test in survival mode which is put on a leader board for the whole world to see.  Survive the longest and earn the coveted title of King of the Blights!


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Gamer Since: 1995
Favorite Genre: RPG
Top 3 Favorite Games:Outlast, Rocket League, Five Nights at Freddys

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