Due to his broad set of abilities, Brimstone is one of the most enjoyable Agents to play in Valorant. He has a wide range of talents, from torching targets with his Molotov to instantly doing massive damage to all enemies with his ult.
As a sought-after initiator, Brimstone is ideal for zoning out enemies and gathering information. Use your skills to close off access points or clear up specific corners, making it easier for your team to take sites.
How To Play Brim In Valorant
To play Brimstone, you should be familiar with his abilities. These are:
Incendiary (250 credits) (Q)
Equip a Molotov launcher and launch an incendiary grenade that will bounce twice before exploding on impact. This will create an area of effect that damages enemies, including teammates, who stand in it.
Stim Beacon (200 creds) (C)
Equip a disc and throw it on the ground to create an area of effect that will increase Brimstone's and teammates' rate of fire by 15% for 12 seconds if they stand in it.
Sky Smoke (100 credits each) (E)
Allows you to open a map and send out smokes in specific places. RIGHT-CLICK to send smokes and LEFT CLICK to select areas. For 19.25 seconds, the smoke will obscure vision. Brimstone can only have three charges for this ability at the start of each round.
Orbital Strike (7 points) (X)
Equip a strike map and unleash an AOE beam of light that deals massive damage to all Agents in the area of effect for over 3 seconds.
As a sought-after initiator, Brimstone is ideal for zoning out enemies and gathering information. Use your skills to close off access points or clear up specific corners, making it easier for your team to take sites.
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