The swift scout is notorious for torturing enemies with his constant annoying poke and lethal mushrooms. What makes enemies even more tilted and intimidated is having a cool skin on Teemo. He has a ton of skins and here we will rank them from worst to best based on a few attributes so you can make the right choice in buying one of them.
Available Skins
7. Panda Teemo
See Panda Teemo in action: Panda Teemo Skin Spotlight
Teemo dressed as a panda with bamboo on his back. This skin doesn’t add anything more than a costume. The ability animations, recall animations and SFX are the same as regular Teemo. There is a new model for Teemo’s blow gun and his mushrooms.
- General appearance: 6/10
- Ability animations: 5/10
- SFX: 5/10
- Recall animation: 5/10
- Total: 21
The skin is available for 975 RP.
6. Cottontail Teemo
See Cottontail Teemo in action: Cottontail Teemo Skin Spotlight
Teemo in an Easter bunny theme. This skin adds subtle changes to Teemo, a trend that we used to see in old skins. Teemo hops instead of walking and his ultimate now places Easter eggs on the ground. The rest of the animations are the same. There is no new recall animation or SFX.
- General appearance: 7/10
- Ability animations: 6/10
- SFX: 5/10
- Recall animation: 5/10
- Total: 23
The skin is available for 975 RP.
5. Super Teemo
See Super Teemo in action: Super Teemo Skin Spotlight
Super Teemo, the name says it all. Teemo impersonates superman by wearing his costume. There are subtle things in this skin like Teemo flies when you press W and there is also a horn-like sound to it. Noxious trap are now circles with capital T on top of them.
The skin adds no new ability animations, SFX or recall animations. This was a cool concept but being an old skin, it wasn’t pulled off perfectly. Maybe this skin could get a revamp someday.
- General appearance: 7/10
- Ability animations: 7/10
- SFX: 5/10
- Recall animation: 5/10
- Total: 24
The skin is available for 975 RP.
4. Astronaut Teemo
See Astronaut Teemo in action: Astronaut Teemo Skin Spotlight
This is a very cool Teemo skin. That’s the best way to put it. It’s not the best of his skins but it’s pretty cool. The name tells you the theme. There are intergalactic and space elements added to the skin.
His auto-attack animations and projectiles are new. Without E they are blue in colour and become red once you level up E. They give the same pew pew sound as guns in Star Wars series. Teemo’s walking animation is changed to walking in a weaker gravitational field. Teemo’s voiceover is changed and his noxious traps are now satellites.
The epic skin gives Teemo a new in-game model, the ability animations are new and so is the recall animation.
General appearance: 7/10
Ability animations: 8/10
SFX: 7/10
Recall animation: 7/10
Total: 29
The skin is available for 1350 RP.
3. Beemo
See Beemo in action: Beemo Skin Spotlight
The bee-inspired Teemo skin that turns him into a honey bee. The skin is beautifully designed with satisfying sound effects and smoothness. It’s a perfect skin to have for Teemo mains to sting their enemies to death.
Teemo wears a bee costume that has wings. His noxious traps are now honeycombs that explode and send honey waves in all directions. The auto attacks have a honey-ish sound. When you press W, Teemo flies and makes the sound of a bee while at it.
You can also get chromas for this skin.
Overall the skin feels very smooth and is highly recommended.
- General appearance: 8/10
- Ability animations: 8/10
- SFX: 9/10
- Recall animation: 8/10
- Total: 33
The skin is available for 1350 RP.
2. Omega Squad Teemo
See Omega Squad Teemo in action: Omega Squad Teemo Skin Spotlight
This is the only Legendary skin that Teemo has. Yes, the skin gives you all the features of a Legendary skin. Yes, it’s fantastic, the theme is incredible and the execution is awesome. The only reason this skin is placed at number 2 is because of one major flaw that this skin has and I’ve felt it personally in-game while playing him.
Omega Squad Teemo features him as a covert ops commando. Like any Legendary skin, it overhauls everything about Teemo. He turns from cute to straight-up badass. His dialogues and special interactions are very interesting.
The base skin is green, as a commando normally is. Q throws a knife and noxious traps are now detonable bombs that release a green toxic cloud. The walking animation has changed. The recall animation is superb. Teemo’s voiceover is super cool as well.
There are various other small features as well for example when you purchase specific items, Teemo says specific dialogues.
Omega Squad Teemo Special interactions
The only thing that I consider annoying about this skin is the auto-attack animation. They could’ve made it a gunshot too. But even if they wanted to keep the blow-dart, they could’ve made the animation a bit smoother. Teemo’s auto-attack animation for this skin is the clunkiest I’ve ever experienced in a champion. It’s almost as if you’re paying to lose. The auto-attack animation is bad enough to disrupt gameplay.
- General appearance: 10/10
- Ability animations: 10/10
- SFX: 10/10
- Recall animation: 10/10
- Auto-attack animation: -5
- Total: 35
The skin is available for 1820 RP.
1. Spirit Blossom Teemo
See Spirit Blossom Teemo in action: Spirit Blossom Teemo Skin Spotlight
Spirit Blossom Teemo gives him the features of this amazing skin line. He almost looks like a much better version of Panda Teemo but it’s foolish to compare the two skins.
The skin gives Teemo a pretty hat. His model looks cute as ever. The colours are vibrant and eye-catching. The auto-attack animations are super smooth. All his abilities have new animations and sound effects as well. The sharp high pitched sounds of the skin-line are audible. The recall animation also looks dope.
Overall, this is the best-looking skin for Teemo and more importantly, it is the smoothest and does not disrupt gameplay at all.
- General appearance: 10/10
- Ability animations: 9/10
- SFX: 8/10
- Recall animation: 9/10
- Total: 36
The skin is available for 1350 RP.
This skin also has a rare and limited “Prestige Edition” that adds gold-coloured elements to it.
Spirit Blossom Teemo Prestige Edition Skin Spotlight
The Prestige edition is available for 150 mythic essences.
Legacy Skins
5. Recon Teemo
See Recon Teemo in action: Recon Teemo Skin Spotlight
Recon Teemo is the same as base Teemo with a touch of dark green commando-coloured clothes. Everything else is the same as base Teemo. No new animations or sound effects.
- General appearance: 6/10
- Ability animations: 5/10
- SFX: 5/10
- Recall animation: 5/10
- Total 21
The skin costs 520 RP and is only available when the legacy vault opens. It can be obtained via chests/Hextech crafting or through “My Shop”.
4. Badger Teemo
See Badger Teemo in action: Badger Teemo Skin Spotlight
Badger Teemo puts him in light brown colours. No new animations or sound effects have been added.
- General appearance: 6/10
- Ability animations: 5/10
- SFX: 5/10
- Recall animation: 5/10
- Total 21
The skin costs 520 RP and is only available when the legacy vault opens. It can be obtained via chests/Hextech crafting or through “My Shop”.
3. Happy Elf Teemo
See Happy Elf Teemo in action: Happy Elf Teemo Skin Spotlight
The name says it all. Teemo is in an elf costume. There are no added animations or sound effects. No complaints here though because the price tag is meagre.
- General appearance: 6/10
- Ability animations: 5/10
- SFX: 5/10
- Recall animation: 5/10
- Total: 21
The skin costs 520 RP and is only available when the legacy vault opens. It can be obtained via chests/Hextech crafting or through “My Shop”.
2. Little Devil Teemo
See Little Devil Teemo in action: Little Devil Teemo Skin Spotlight
Little Devil Teemo features Teemo in his true form. Yes, we all know what Teemo truly is, the king of the underworld, the Devil reincarnate. The skin gives Teemo a new red-coloured model, new ability animations, new sound effects and the best and creepiest recall animation.
Noxious traps places devil shrooms on the ground which explode with a devilish laugh when someone walks over them. Not to mention, Teemo’s usual weapon is now a trident that throws red-coloured projectiles at the target.
The skin is great and had the potential to be a Legendary skin as well. Still, it is a very good option if you can get your hands on it.
- General appearance: 8/10
- Ability animations: 8/10
- SFX: 8/10
- Recall animation: 9/10
- Total: 33
The skin costs 1350 RP and is only available when the legacy vault opens. It can be obtained via chests/Hextech crafting or through “My Shop”. Harrowing skins are usually available around the time of Halloween each year.
1. Firecracker Teemo
See Firecracker Teemo in action: Firecracker Teemo Skin Spotlight
Released in celebration of the Lunar New Year, Firecracker Teemo gives new gold, green and red colours to Teemo. As the name suggests, all the animations have elements of fireworks added to them. Q throws a firework that explodes on collision. W gives the sound of light fireworks up before they go boom. E lights up all your auto attacks and W throws a dumpling that explodes with fireworks when an enemy steps on them.
What everyone loves about this skin are the chromas that are very special. They can change the theme of the model from a kitty to a panda or a tiger as well.
- General appearance: 9/10
- Ability animations: 9/10
- SFX: 9/10
- Recall animation: 9/10
- Total: 36
The skin costs 1350 RP and is only available when the legacy vault opens. It can be obtained via chests/Hextech crafting or through “My Shop”.
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