Some ships were designed to transport cargo, while others were there to cause havoc in space. I’m gonna talk about a few of them, explain why they’re deadly, how effective they are in combat, and why you should give them a try.
Combat ships are important for attacking other ships or defending yourself. You can also disable engines and put the enemy ship in a stationary position, allowing you to infiltrate it.
5. Razorleaf
A leaf with razors!
You will be rewarded with this ship after completing the “Mantis” questline. The ship itself is meant for newcomers who have just begun playing Starfield, it has pretty decent weaponry and pretty poor cargo capacity, which makes the ship highly maneuverable.
The weapons are surely better than those on a Frontier so you will fare a lot better in combat as well.
- Ship Class: A
- Shielding: 468
- Crew Capacity: 2
- Reactor Power: 19
- Cargo Capacity: 420
- Maximum Jump Range: 16
Razorleaf’s strengths:
- The ship appears to be pretty petite, plus the cargo capacity is low, which enables the ship to be maneuverable
- Decent weaponry in the early game that shreds opponents
- Class A, which enables you to fly the ship from the get-go
How to get the ship:
You can get the ship by completing the “Mantis” quest. The quest starts after collecting a data slate “Secret Outpost!” from a fallen Spacer.
4. Watchdog III
Little but deadly.
This little guy might not look like too much but he packs a punch and is more than capable of destroying most ships that you encounter. The biggest positive of this ship is its maneuverability and missiles, which can lock on and cause serious damage to enemy ships. Furthermore, it’s equipped with a powerful reactor which greatly improves the engine’s power.
- Fuel: 50
- Hull: 619
- Shield: 550
- Cargo: 805
- Power: 23
- Crew: 4
- Jump Range: 25
- Value: 165, 475 credits
What’s good about Watchdog III:
- Powerful missiles which deal huge amounts of damage once you lock on a target
- Pretty powerful reactor that gives the engine a nice boost, allowing you to move around quickly
- Maneuverability+shields are the factors that will keep you alive on this ship
How to get this ship:
Get to the Cheyenne system and purchase it from one of the vendors in Akila City.
3. Aegis
Slightly better.
Aegis is yet another combat ship meant for shredding your opponents, it does its job slightly better than Razorleaf. First of all, it can carry 5 crew members on your ship, and the cargo capacity is enlarged but not to the point where your ship has issues with rotating or maneuverability.
Aegis has also improved weapon systems, it can deal with higher-level ships, plus the fuel capacity is also improved.
- Class: B
- Cost: 207150
- Mass: 736
- Hull: 721
- Jump: 29
- Shield: 610
- Reactor: 21
- Cargo Capacity: 200
- Shielded Capacity: 0
Aegis’ strengths:
- Improved crew capacity(5 people in total)
- Shields can take more damage, keeping you safe for prolonged periods
- Weapons are a big step up from Razorleaf and can deal with more formidable opponents
How to get this ship:
- You can purchase this ship from Nikau Henderson in Deimos Staryard, it goes for the price of around 200,000 credits.
2. Narwhal
What’s this?
The ship’s name is pretty unique, I gotta say. It’s equipped with relatively powerful laser turrets and missile launchers, the ballistic weapons are also outstanding and can cause serious damage to your opponents. These weapons are:
- Blaze-P ZGW SX Pulse Laser Turrets(3)
- Tsukisasu 40k Missle Launcher(1)
- Marauder 115N Railgun(2)
Furthermore, the ship’s cargo is rather large, which allows you to transport large amounts of items with you. This of course has a negative effect on the ship’s maneuvrability but the general tanky nature of the ship makes up for it.
- Class C
- Fuel capacity: 560
- Shield: 995
- Hull: 2118
- Cargo Capacity: 1760
- Shield: 995
- Crew capacity: 7
- Value: 450,000 credits
How to get it:
You must talk to Veronica at Taiyo Astroneering in Neon.
1. Abyss Trekker
Piece of cake.
A rather expensive but pretty intimidating ship to any bandit you’ll come across, only a handful of ships can face this terrifying monster. It’s equipped with particle/ballistic weapons, as well as missiles, all of which are a serious threat to anything that dares to challenge the mighty Trekker.
Besides having enormous firepower, it also has a pretty tanky tull, plus excellent shields, which will allow it to withstand huge amounts of damage.
- Class C
- Reactor: 27
- Crew: 6
- Jump: 28
- Shield: 850
- Particle: 38
- Missile: 96
- Ballistic: 162
- Value: 345,000 credits
How to get this ship:
You can start by going to Paradiso and talking to one of the Ship Technicians over there. It’s gonna cost you around 320,000 to 350,000 credits.