There might be a time when you’ll have to engage in combat with enemies in a vacuum. Whether you’re just trying to defend yourself or deliberately attacking others, you must pick the right weapon systems for your ship.
We’re going to talk about the best weapons for your ship, explain what type they are, how they work, and why you should use them. Let’s begin without further ado!
10. PB0-100 Auto Neutron Beam
Preppin' for combat.
This ship weapon is a class B. It deals 15.40 damage per shot but it does so in rapid-fire which means it has a quick rate of fire. Since it’s a particle beam weapon, it damages the hull and shield alike.
The only issue is that it consumes a lot of power so it can cripple your ship if you don’t have a class B reactor. It will cost you 12,800 credits to get.
What PB0-100 Auto Neutron Beam excels in:
- Has a quick rate of fire.
- Dealing damage to the hull and to the shield alike.
- Good if you have a class B reactor on your ship.
- Deals 15.40 damage per shot in rapid fire.
How to get PB0-100 Auto Neutron Beam:
-You can buy it from various vendors across the galaxy.
9. Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Turret
Another cool ship that you can hook this weapon onto.
This type of weapon is great for dealing damage to the hull and to the shield at the same time. It’s great for people who don’t want to switch between weapons during fights but it doesn’t do the job well as the right weapon would do.
It’s a class C type weapon with a power consumption of 4. Hull and shield damage per shot is 86, plus the rate of fire is 1.5. When it comes to the costs, it’s gonna cost you 35,100 credits.
What Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Turret excels in:
- Dealing damage to the hull and to the shield alike.
- The damage per shot is 86 which isn’t bad for a class C weapon.
- The rate of fire is 1.5.
- It doesn’t cost a lot of credits to get.
How to get Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Turret:
-You can buy it from various vendors such as Havershaw on Narion.
8. KE-42 Cannon
Is that a rocket heading towards this ship?
This weapon is primarily used against ships that don’t have a shield or you managed to get their shield down. It deals a lot of damage to the hull but almost no damage when hitting a shield.
It deals 31 damage per shot with a 2.5 rate of fire. It is recommended that you pair this weapon with something that can disable the enemies' shields or a weapon that can pierce their shields. It also won’t cost you a lot, only 14,700 credits.
What KE-42 Cannon excels in:
- Deals a lot of damage to the hull.
- Doesn’t cost a lot of money which is good for the early game.
- Has a decent rate of fire.
How to get KE-42 Cannon:
-You can buy it from Inaya Rehman in Valo.
7. Exterminator 95MeV Auto Helion Beam
Dat name tho..
This ship weapon has a badass name not going to lie. It’s another particle weapon which means that it deals damage to the hull and the shield together. It has a higher rate of fire which means that it has a higher DPS than the previous weapon.
Due to the higher rate of fire, you can miss some of your shots and it won’t affect you as much. It’s a class B weapon with a power consumption of 4. Damage per shot is 26 but the rate of fire is 5. And it costs 35,500 credits!
What Exterminator 95MeV Auto Helion Beam excels in:
- Having a rate of fire 5.
- Has a high DPS.
- It’s a class B ship weapon.
- Deals damage to the shield and to the hull.
- Good for the mid-game point.
How to get Exterminator 95MeV Auto Helion Beam:
-You can buy it from different vendors across the galaxy such as Havershaw on Narion.
6. Scorch-P 60 MW Pulse Laser
If you want to dominate the early game as much as possible then I recommend you get this ship weapon. It’s good for piercing shields and if you pair it up with the KE-42 Cannon you can obliterate anyone in the early game.
It does 32 damage per shot to the shield with a rate of fire of 2.5. It will do quick work of the shield exposing its hull so that you can take them down with the KE-42 Cannon.
What Scroch-P 60 MW Pulse Laser excels in:
- Works in great combination with the KE-42 Cannon.
- It makes easy work of the enemy ship’s shields.
- It has a decent rate of fire of 2.5.
- It's great for the early game.
- It doesn’t cost a lot of credits.
How to get Scorch-P 60 MW Pulse Laser:
-You can buy it from Inaya Rehman in Valo.
5. Vanguard Obliterator Auto-Projector
Dorito ship.
For the best early game ship weapon we have the Vanguard Obliterator Auto-Projector. It deals 11 damage to the shield and to the hull but it has an insane 6.65 rate of fire with a range of 3000 meters. The best part about it is that it will only cost you 14,100 credits.
The amount of power it consumes is 2. Due to the low amount of power it uses and that it doesn’t cost a lot it’s one of the best early-game weapons you can have. It does fall off against stronger enemies so keep that in mind.
What Vanguard Obliterator Auto-Projector excels in:
- It doesn’t cost a lot of credits to buy.
- It consumes 2 cells of power.
- It has a high rate of fire of 6.65.
- It’s one of the best early-game weapons for your ship.
- It does a lot of damage to the hull and shield due to the high rate of fire.
How to get Vanguard Obliterator Auto-Projector:
-You can buy it from any vendor after you unlock the ship module.
4. Supaku 250GC Suppressor
Enemy ship getting rekt.
Since your ships can have up to 3 weapons on them make sure that all 3 weapons suit your needs. This ship weapon right here is an EM or electromagnetic weapon. It does only 2 points of damage to the hull and the shields but does massive damage to the enemy ship systems which makes them easy to board.
It uses 6 cells of power but it deals 54 EM damage to the enemy ship. You need to have a good reactor core to use this weapon. It also costs 47,800 credits to buy. It’s a late-game weapon.
What Supaku 250GC Suppressor excels in:
- Deals a lot of electromagnetic damage.
- It’s good for taking out the enemy’s ships' systems so you can board them more easily.
- It’s amazing in the late game.
How to get Supaku 250GC Suppressor:
-You can buy it from Lon Anderssen in Porrima.
3. KE-49A Autocannon
A ship heading towards a meteor field.
Do not sleep on this weapon as it’s pretty much the best ballistic ship weapon out there. It does 30 hull damage and 9 shield damage. But the rate of fire of the weapon is 5 which is great. It means you will be able to blast away at their hull in no time.
Also, you can utilize this weapon very early in the game until you can afford to get something better and stronger. It uses a total of 4 power cells and the price of it is only 4,500 credits. It is cheap.
What KE-49A Autocannon excels in:
- The best ballistic weapon out there.
- It’s cheap only 4,500 credits.
- Has a 5 rate of fire.
- Does 30 hull and 9 shield damage.
How to get KE-49A Autocannon:
-You can get it from Jasmine Durad on Kryx.
2. Tatsu 501EM Suppressor
A dogfight between two ships.
If you want to completely obliterate your enemies and leave them stranded in the middle of space because their systems are taken out then get this electromagnetic weapon!
And once you acquire this weapon you won’t need any other as this one deals 108 EM damage but be aware that it only has a 0.80 rate of fire. It uses a total of 6 power cells and the value is only 24,600 credits. It doesn’t cost a lot to be the best EM weapon out there.
What Tatsu 501EM Suppressor Excels In:
- It's the best electromagnetic weapon there is.
- Deals a total of 108 EM damage.
- It doesn’t cost a lot.
How to get Tatsu 501EM Suppressor:
-You can get it from the Ship Services Technician (Akila City) in Cheyenne.
1. Atlatl 280C Missile Launcher
An example of a missile being launched at an enemy ship.
This ship's weapon blows everything out of the water with the high amount of damage it can release. Well, that’s because it’s a damn rocket launcher and it blows up everything. It deals a whopping 264 damage per shot to the hull and to the shield but the rate of fire is only 1. Which is fair to make it seem balanced.
It also has a power consumption of 4 cells. The cost of this amazing weapon in total is 47,500 credits which is a lot to keep in mind but you are in the late game a few runs where you smuggle organs should cover the cost.
What Atlatl 280C Missile Launcher excels in:
- Deals massive amounts of damage.
- It has a rate of fire of 1 so don’t miss your shots.
- If you hit your shots you can take out a ship in no time.
How to get Atlatl 280C Missile Launcher:
-You can get it from a vendor called Jasmine Durad on Kryx.