Harvesting planets for resources can be extremely beneficial to your credit balance, perhaps you’re looking for some new modifications for your weapon or you just want to make some easy experience by mass-crafting random items.
In any case, you will need to know which planets to look for. The point of this article is to help you explain which planets you should visit, what resources they contain, and other extra information. Without further ado, let’s begin!
10. Pluto
Technically, it’s not a planet, but you can land on it and get some Tungsten. Why specifically this resource? Because it’s used as a crafting reagent for extractors, heavy machinery that helps you gather resources automatically.
It’s also used for weapon mods, batteries, and armor-piercing rounds which inflict higher amounts of damage to your foes. Pretty useful!
Resources obtainable from this planet:
- water
- tungsten
- titanium
- lead
9. Codos
Sounds like bandit country…
But it’s pretty tame. Animals over there are pretty chill unless you provoke them and you can also find yourself a very useful resource - Beryllium. This resource is used for many things but the most important things are stationary turrets that you can put around your outpost - they will fight off bounty hunters and other degenerates that wish to kill you or steal your stuff.
You can also build solar arrays, scan boosters, cargo links, and a massive landing pad that lets you modify your ships, plus land ships that are more than 40 meters long.
Resources obtainable from this planet:
- water
- alkanes
- aluminum
- iron
- beryllium
- argon
- carboxylic acids
- chlorine
- analgesic
- cosmetic
- fiber
- nutrient
- sealant
- solvent
8. Porrima III
There’s also the Red Mile!
On Porrima III, you can find aluminum, which is a crucial resource if you want to build various structures such as buildings, extractors, storage rooms, decorations, defensive turrets, crafting benches - pretty much anything.
Get some resources for your aluminum extractors ready and set them up on your outposts, you’ll have plenty of resources as time goes on. You can also sell them to vendors in the Red Mile!
Resources obtainable from this planet:
- water
- helium-3
- aluminum
- chlorine
- lithium
7. Jemison
Where it all starts..
Jemison is located in the Alpha Centauri, it’s the first place you go to after getting out of the mines. It’s filled with lead, water, argon, and other resources but it’s also filled with many animals, some aggressive and less aggressive.
The fauna here is relatively easy to kill and it gets you fiber, a resource that’s used for less important things, like decorations but also spacesuit mods, which give you massive bonuses, whether defensive or offensive.
Resources obtainable from this planet:
- water
- argon
- chlorosilanes
- chlorine
- lead
- spice
- structural material
- metabolic agent
- cosmetic
- metabolic agent
- nutrient
- toxin
- sedative
- membrane
6. Eridani VII-c
A beautiful name!
This planet has 9 resources in total but the most important one is the Titanium - it’s a rare resource that can be used for building massive structures, as well as creating weapon mods - receivers, grips and stocks, muzzles, and sights. It can even improve the damage output of your weapon if that’s what you desire!
Resources obtainable from this planet:
- aluminum
- uranium
- water
- titanium
- europium
- lead
- helium-3
5. Andromas II
A pretty chill place.
Sealant is also an important resource, it’s primarily used in the pharmaceutical lab to treat illnesses that you’ve caught while wandering across planets with questionable climates. Perhaps you almost froze to death and now you have hypothermia or you’ve spent too much time during a gas storm and now you can barely breathe…
But when it comes to getting the sealant, you will need to hunt for Herding Snail Grazers - they’re peaceful, so they won’t put up much of a fight. While you’re in Savanna, you can also look for the Fallen Star Palm - it’s a red plant that you can harvest for Sealant as well.
Resources obtainable from this planet:
- water
- nickel
- carboxylic acids
- argon
- lithium
- chlorosilanes
- fluorine
- chlorine
- metabolic agent
- Sealant
- Antimicrobial
- Cosmetic
- Toxin
- Fiber
4. Guniibuu III
Enjoy freezing to death!
Iridium is an uncommon resource primarily used for improving your weapons, it allows you to craft unique weapon mods, plus lead resources that are scattered on this planet allow you to create improved battery and magazine modules that increase the damage output of your weapons towards specific enemies.
There’s also a rare resource called Vanadium, which is great for creating scopes for your weapon, although it’s hard to find - you’ll have to pull out your scanner and look for it a bit.
Resources obtainable from this planet:
- water
- carboxylic acids
- uranium
- argon
- vanadium
- iridium
- benzene
- lead
3. Procyon III
Snowy and deadly.
This planet is pretty tough, it’s filled with a few species that will try to kill you but all of the animals have valuable resources that can be used for building, improving spacesuits, as well as medicine.
But did you know that there are also gasses that you can harvest? Neon, for example, is pretty hard to find due to it being an “exotic” resource. It comes out of a small crater in the form of orange gas, that gives you the green light to set up an outpost and start farming it. It can be used for lasers, fore grips, and barrels.
Resources obtainable from this planet:
- water
- tetrafluorides
- copper
- argon
- neon
- fluorine
- ionic liquids
2. Bessel III-b
The best for beginners!
There’s one golden spot that lets you set up an outpost in which you have access to 5 useful resources, which are Nickel, Aluminum, Cobalt, and Iron. Why are they important? Once you set up all of the extractors, plus the industrial workbench, you’ll have an unlimited amount of Isocentered Magnets and Adaptive Frames.
This planet is especially good because 1 local hour on that planet is 57 hours and 47 minutes in UT time, which means that resources farm incredibly fast. While this is a great experience-gathering method for beginners, it begins to fall off in the later stages of the game.
Resources obtainable from this planet:
- Nickel
- Aluminum
- Cobalt
- Iron
- Plutonium
- Water
1. Zeta Ophiuchi
The final countdown!
One of the best golden spots for an outpost lies on Zeta Ophiuchi, as it can hook you up with 8 resources - assuming that you’ll be able to find the perfect spot that’s located between the biomes.
These resources can be used for many recipes - let it be weapon mods, structures, or if you just want to sell them to vendors for profit. It’s pretty useful, especially if you’re just starting!
Resources obtainable from this planet:
- Chlorine
- Iron
- Lead
- Water
- Alkanes
- Silver
- Tantalum
- Ytterbium
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