Starfield is becoming a fan favorite to many already. It's easy to see why, there are so many things that have yet to be explored or discovered. Today we bring you the Top 10 Best outpost locations and why they’re great.
What are outpost’s? Outposts in Starfield are essentially your base camp on any planet of your choice, weather and atmosphere dependent. It can be used to gather resources and as a trading hub if you so wish.
10. Andraphon (Best for Having tons of extractors)
The moon planet of Sumati, this barren planet is one of the first outposts you may get.
In my opinion this Andrapphon has a variety of resources, including iron, aluminum, beryllium, europium, helium-3, and silver. One major advantage of this planet is, it's safe. There are very few hazards which make this a prime location for an outpost.
What Andrapphon is Great :
- There's little to no gravity. This is great for finding minerals in hard to reach places such as mountains.
- There are no hazards. Because this planet is barren and without life there isnt any wildlife to worry about.
- There's plenty of caves. This is great because you can set up an outpost right next to it and gather resources quicker.
How to Get To Andrapphon :
- Start in the sol system or Alpha centauri
- Take the route shown below to get to the nation system as fast as possible and waste little fuel.

9. Zamka (Best For abundant resources)
A moon in the Alpha Centauri system. This is a treasure trove of resources, making it a highly sought-after outpost location.
In my opinion the planet's dangerous environment and hostile creatures make it a challenging place to settle. However a major advantage for this planet is that the resources are tightly packed together, making it easy for players to gather them.
What Makes Zamka Great:
- It's close to the main cities in the game. The alpha centauri system is home to new atlantis, the capital city of the united colonies
- It's rich in uranium. Uranium is a rare resource in starfield and can be used for crafting in the later stages of the game.
How to Get To Zamka:
- Open your star map and click on the alpha centauri system.
- After that, find the planet name. It will be to the left of the gas giant.

8. Voss (Best for High Level Gear)
Voss, the frozen planet that freezes everything on it. Located in the Alpha Centauri system this outpost is another location for the early game.
In my opinion Voss is a great location for an outpost because it has the two most valuable resources Tungsten and dysprosium. This gives the planet a huge advantage because with those two resources let you craft high level armor and weapons.
What Makes Voss Great :
- The high valuable resources. If there is any reason why you should make an outpost here this is one of the reasons. Tungsten and dysprosium in some cases can be better than uranium.
How to Get To Voss :
- Open your star map and click on the alpha centauri system.
- After that, find the planet name. It will be right next to a gas giant.

7. Linnaeus IV-B (Best For Having Multiple locations)
Linnaeus IV-B, The moon of Linnaeus IV. This plant is rich in life and resources.
In my opinion, what makes Linnaeus IV a good location is where it is. The moon and planet are in the central location of the Starfield galaxy. This makes it a good base for exploring the galaxy and accessing other planets and moons without being too far from anything.
What Makes Linnaeus IV Great :
- Central Location. Being in the center allows for easy access to any part of the known galaxy without having to take many grav jumps.
- Hidden Secrets. Without spoilers there are hidden locations and secrets on the map that might be worth checking out.
- Multiple biomes. Linnaeus IV has a variety of biomes that include forests, deserts and mountains. This gives you options for where you want to plant your outpost. You can even have one in each biome.
How to Get To Linnaeus IV:
- Start at the sol system and take the route shown Below.
- It should take 3 jumps to get there or one fast travel sequence.

6. Alpha Andraste III (Best for Rare resources)
Alpha Andraste III, The earth-like planet that gives you its fair share of challenges.
In my opinion this planet is great for late game players who already have a grip on the mechanics. This is one of the only planets that has the resource Xenon. Xenon is a resource that is used to craft some of the most powerful space suits in the game.
What Makes Alpha Andraste III Great :
- Rare resources. Like mentioned, this is the only planet that has Xenon. \
- The dangerous environment. While it would be a downside, it's great for this planet because you can gather XP to level up faster. It also gives you something to do at your outpost.
How to Get To Alpha Andraste III :
- Like for all the planets on this list start at the alpha centauri system.
- Take one grav jump to the sol system.
- On the top left hand side will be the system Alpha Andraste.

5. Eridani II (Best For Growth)
Eridani, The planet that tests your resolve at commerce and strength.
Eridani is another planet positioned in the center of the galaxy. In my opinion this is a prime location if you want to make a second outpost. The main advantage this planet brings is its abundant resources. Usually your outposts will stop producing when your mineral deposits are empty.
What makes Eridani Great :
- Abundant resources. Eridani II has a vast variety of resources. This includes water, chlorine, copper, nickel, iron, fluorine, cobalt, and gold. These are basic resources in the game and with them in abundance you won't have to mine yourself anymore.
How to Get To Erdani :
- Start at alpha centauri as a starting guide and to get there faster.
- Take one grav jump to Kapteyn's Star.
- on the bottom left hand side of that star will be the Erdani system.

4. Kreet (Best for Trading and commerce)
Kreet, The planet that most early game players hear about or go past during their journeys. If you're looking for a place to trade and make credits this is for you.
In my opinion I've found that having heller on your outpost here makes a big difference. The main advantages Kreet has is safety, and gaining materials like argon. This is also very easy to get to being 2 jumps away from alpha centauri.
What Makes Kreet Great :
- Unique creatures. This planet is home to creatures that haven't been seen before in the game. There is actually a storyline for these creatures so making an outpost here makes that task much easier.
- Safety. The planet's wildlife for the most part are peaceful. You wont run into many battles unless you attack first. This is a great location for players who still need to get stronger.
How to Get To Kreet :
- Start In the Sol system to get there faster and as a starting point.
- Then you want to take the route shown below with any class ship.
- If you started in Alpha Centauri and you have a good enough ship you could skip the sol system entirely.

3. Zeta Ophiuci I (Best for Exploration)
On Zeta Ophiuci the hazardous swamp deals with any who aren’t prepared.
Zeta Ophiuci is an interesting location because of its unique biome. Most of its advantages come from the planet's rare resources like ytterbium, and beryllium. It also has strong O2 which lets the player breathe without a spacesuit.
What Makes Zeta Ophiuchi Great :
- It's a safe water supply. Usually you'll have to purify the water in your outpost before it becomes safe.
- It's a decent temperature. Because of this you don't get bad effects for long periods of time due to exposure
How to Get To Zeta Ophiuci I :
- Go to the Alpha centauri system as a starting guide.
- Then Grav Jump 2 times to the planet shown below. Its recommended you bring a Class B or C ship
- Once you're in the system Hover over the planet and hold the button that says land. The button layout will be different for each console.

2. Cassiopeia I (Best For Copper and Nickel)
Located in the Eta Cassiopeia system is the Cassiopeia I planet. Here you can find water, chlorine, copper, nickel, and cobalt.
In my opinion what makes this a great outpost location is its huge mass of land. For overall analysis there are moderate resources here and a safe water supply. Having access to copper and nickel will help you craft ammo and even make credits if you choose to sell it.
What Makes Cassiopeia Great :
The wildlife. If not anything, the wildlife is a main reason why this location is great for an outpost. You can research them and find out everything about said creature.
- Because of its copper deposits. Now copper in starfield isn't the most valuable on the market but it is valuable in the hands of the right crafter.
How to Get To Cassiopeia :
- Go to the Alpha centauri system as a starting guide.
- Travel to the sol system if you haven't discovered it yet.
- on the top left hand side the Cassiopeia system will be 1 Grav jump away.
1. Magnar
Magnar, a word that means “Lord” in the old tongue. This swamp location is the best location so far until more are discovered and surveyed.
This planet is number one on this list because it's one of the best locations to build an outpost in my opinion and it's one of the hardest to survey. For the overall analysis the plant is covered with flora and has 0 Oxygen. A key advantage for this planet that makes it great is the clustered resources scattered throughout the planet.
What Makes Magnar Great :
ts location. It's so close to Alpha Centauri that you only need to grav jump once in a class A ship to get there.
- Its resources. There is Aluminum, Argon,Beryllium, Cobalt, Lead, and Nickel. All of these are vital for crafting weapons and different mods.
How to Get To Magnar :
- First Grav Jump to Alpha Centauri as a starting point.
- Then, you need to travel to the Delta Pavonis system. The Delta Pavonis system is located right next to Alpha centauri.