If you want more powerful ships, weapons, better spacesuits, or mods for your firearm, you gotta level up - that’s the only way of progressing in this game, credits are simply not enough.
So, in this article, I’ll mention a few planets that you can visit for an easy experience. I will explain how the method works and what exactly you’re going to do once you’re there. Let’s begin:
10. Jemison
Newbie country.
Jemison is the starting zone, right after you get out of the mines. Why this place specifically? It’s filled with various NPCs that give out quests, plus you can also do quests for the Constellation faction, which is incredibly lengthy(from 35 to 40 hours) and consists of 19 missions.
Besides, every time you find an artifact, you can also locate a temple and get extra experience from acquiring power, as well as finding the location.
Why this planet is great for experience:
- Constellation questline with 19 missions
- Massive city with various NPCs that can give you quests for easy credits/experience
- It’s the starting zone for every Starfield player
9. Hyla II
Pretty cozy here.
Hyla II is a habitable planet with plenty of beautiful views but also fauna that you can hunt for experience. Some of the wildlife is passive but other species are capable of fighting back - make sure to find yourself a tall rock to stand on top of or at least make sure that your weapons pack a punch!
The maximum level of this planet is 40 and each creature can have a level ranging from 5 to 40. You can also spend some time surveying and getting experience that way!
Why this planet is great for getting XP:
- This planet doesn’t seem that hostile even if you’re a lower level
- Resources can be mass-crafted in the industrial bench, which gives you experience
- Some of the wildlife is docile, which helps you get experience safely
8. Beta Marae
The beta planet.
Beta Marae is a level 45 planet with mostly peaceful species that would rather run away than try fighting back. Still, 4 species will fight back if provoked, or even encountered, like the Leafstriders, Rockhounds Scavengers, Swarming Brightcages, and the Eggbacks.
If you’re too much of a chicken, you can avoid these animals and hunt the other species. If that’s not a problem for you, this planet is pretty much a safari for you - just keep in mind that experience will scale down as you level.
Why this planet is great for XP:
- You can find 12 different species of animals
- 7 animals are docile and won’t fight back
- It’s hard to find a place where there is no wildlife so find yourself a nice rock and pull out your favorite rifle!
7. Gamma Vulpes I
Unique name, ngl.
Vulpes is 62% made out of water, 8% consists of frozen plains with no fauna at all, and the rest is Sandy Desert with 7 species of animals living there. Same story as before, some wildlife is docile, while other specimens will gladly paint the sand with your blood, so be careful.
This planet has creatures up to level 50, so if you’re a lower level, you REALLY must be careful with where you’re going, as you can get easily b1tch-slapped and killed.
Why this planet is awesome for XP:
- The landscape looks pretty barren, so finding wildlife isn’t that difficult
- The wildlife is only in one biome, so you don’t have to switch between them
- 7 different species in total(ignore the flying ones, they’re useless level 1s)
6. Ternion III
So pretty!
Ternion III is a very unique planet with a few fauna that you can hunt. It consists of multiple biomes, such as oceans, mountains, frozen plains, forests, savannas, and volcanic wastelands. You can find species in all of these biomes except the ocean and the frozen plains.
The planet has a maximum level of 60 with 9 different species of animals living on it. The biome with the most life is the deciduous forest, with 6 different species living there.
Why this planet is awesome for gathering experience:
- Most biomes will have wildlife
- The planet consists of docile species
- Level 60 animals start granting you huge amounts of experience
5. Charybdis II
More populated than our Earth.
I’m talking about the wildlife, you can find over 10 fauna species occupying this planet. One half is pretty peaceful or defensive, the other half is pretty dangerous and you should be careful while wandering some parts of this planet…
Charybdis II is a planet with a maximum level of 65. You are entering very dangerous planets and you better bring plenty of ammunition with ya or face a certain death. In terms of XP, you get anywhere between 10 to 80 experience per creature killed.
Why this planet is great for XP:
- 11 fauna species that you can find in different biomes
- It’s also one of the least boring planets to farm on so you won’t get burned out too quick
- A nice mixture of peaceful and hostile wildlife. Just for that extra spice!
4. Bardeen III
No man’s land.
Despite the planet’s excellent living conditions, you can’t ignore its harsh wildlife, which will most definitely kill you if you’re not careful enough. Single specimens are not that much of a threat but you must be wary of packs, these can swarm you and almost instantly kill you if you let them get too close to you.
The maximum level for this planet is 70. Traveling here is risky for obvious reasons, prey animals can be easily found and hunted but getting swarmed by the more dangerous species is common - the best strategy is to just find a rock and shoot creatures from above. Pretty cowardly but hey, it works!
Why this planet is great for XP farming:
- Wildlife can grant you up to 100 exp per kill, depending on their level
- Plentiful fauna, 11 species of wildlife in total
- Temperate climate without too many anomalies, safe to travel around
3. Strix I
Strict planet to visit!
I will skip what creatures this planet has because the most important species is the Flocking Nautilus Filters - you can find them specifically in the crater biome. They are floating creatures and they usually travel in packs, they’re not gonna be happy about you shooting them but they’re so slow that it’s almost impossible to be killed by them unless you have a very poor weapon equipped.
The planet has a maximum level of 70. When it comes to farming XP, you can try other creatures but these are the most worth hunting. They can grant you over 100 EXP if you kill the right creature!
Why this planet is good for farming XP:
- It has one golden biome with creatures that can get you 100 XP per kill
- Besides Flocking Nautilus Filters, you can also farm other creatures for similar XP gains
- The flying head babies travel in flocks, which makes it easy to kill them 1 by 1
2. Bessel III-b
Bessel is a pretty known trick in the Starfield community but it still gets the job done, as it’s one of the safest methods that you can try. If you’re not aware of this planet, there’s one specific spot in which you can farm Aluminum, Cobalt, Nickel, and Iron and all 4 of those resources allow you to mass-produce adaptive frames and isocentered magnets - you can get around 1000-1500 EXP every 30 seconds if you’re using autoclicking scripts.
Why this planet is awesome for XP gains:
- You can spam isocentered magnets for XP
- You can also spam adaptive frames for XP
1. Celebrai II
Don’t catch lyme disease…
From all the other creatures that you’re gonna stumble upon, there’s 1 specific specimen that travels in herds and it looks like a massive ball with claws. You can find from 10 to 15 of those creatures walking together, so the best idea is to bring a weapon with either a high rate of fire or a rocket launcher.
Celebrai is a level 70 zone, pretty dangerous but if you’re armed well enough you should be good. You can also farm other species but nothing beats the “ticks”.
Why this planet is the best for XP farms:
- Flocking Roundshell Grazer(also known as the ticks) travel in packs, which makes them susceptible to explosives
- Each Flocking Roundshell Grazer grants you around 100-200 EXP, depending on their level
- If you are in love with the ticks, you can also try hunting Pack Lionbears
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