Before settling an outpost, you have to set up an outpost beacon, which will claim land around the beacon. After that, you can start slowly setting up your outpost.
Technically, you can start an outpost on any planet that’s not a gas/ice giant. We shall talk about the ones that are the most suited to start a base on, what resources they have, and what else you can expect from living on such a planet. Let’s start!
10. Pontus
A silly name for a silly planet.
To be honest, this seems like a good area to start one of your first outposts, it doesn’t have that many valuable resources and the temperatures are very low. There is no fauna to hunt, just frozen wastelands of nothing. Which is a good thing if you’re worried about angry alien creatures coming to harvest your organs.
What’s “nice” about this planet:
- Despite its almost Siberian-tier living conditions, you can still make an outpost here
- Crucial extractable resources such as beryllium, helium-3, and aluminum
A look at the planet:
9. Zamka
Good for resources.
While this planet doesn’t offer top-tier living conditions or any beautiful landscapes, it is rich in cobalt, copper, iron, uranium, and many more useful resources. The water there is filled with not-so-healthy chemicals, plus most of the landscape there is frozen. Not exactly a family-friendly location to visit but it’s perfect for setting up a temporary base to mine resources.
What’s awesome about this planet:
Filled with resources, such as:
- Cobalt
- Copper
- Iron
- Uranium
- Helium-3
- Nickel
- Vanadium
- Water
- It’s also considered to be a “dead planet”, which doesn’t have any wildlife(neither passive nor aggressive)
- It becomes a pretty cozy planet to live on once you start an outpost
A look at the planet:
8. Kreet
Less cold.
While Zamka was just a frozen rock, Kreet has to offer more wildlife and a warmer climate. When it comes to the creatures living on this planet, they are passive and will only attack if provoked, which allows you to go around exploring without worrying about getting brutally murdered by them. Filled with resources and more attractive views!
What’s nice about this planet:
- Filled with great resources, such as helium-3, iron, silver, and alkanes to name a few.
- The animals living on this planet are not as hostile as on other planets
- Easy exploration thanks to the docile wildlife
A look at the planet:
7. Nesoi
A mostly peaceful planet.
When it comes to Nesoi, you can expect plenty of exotic species of animals, interesting flora, and an atmosphere that allows you to travel in a spacesuit.
There are also valuable resources that you can use or sell for a quick buck to nearby planets with human settlements, such as Akila City or New Atlantis.
What’s awesome about this planet:
- Plenty of resources: water, iridium iron, uranium, benzene, argon, benzene
- A few friendly and not-so-friendly creatures: Milliwhale Filterer, Hunting Twistfin, Hunting Triantler, Herding Hippodon Scavenger, Herding Geckon Grazer, Flocking Saturnine Grazer, Hunting Vectorback, Flocking Vuvuzelisk Grazer
- Also plants: Jagged Heart Leaf, Sandclaw, Spitting Pokeweed, Sweet Fumewort
A look at the planet:
Nesoi6. Bolivar I
The planet with Venezuelan currency.
This planet is a little bit mysterious, it’s one of the least popular maps in Starfield but it’s filled with interesting flora, as well as fauna. One of the creatures that I spotted was almost invisible, I saw it sneaking behind me so I sh1t myself and ran off. Never saw that thing again. But you don’t have to wear a spacesuit to wander around on this planet!
There is also an interesting resource that’s pretty rare to get and is a known crafting ingredient.
What’s awesome about this planet:
- Full of Tungsten, which is one of the rarer resources
- There’s only a handful of animals that you can encounter
- Unique terrain(speaking of flora and the landscapes)
A look at the planet:
5. Heisenberg II
Interesting name…
Unfortunately, you can’t cook meth on this planet. Thanks to the useful resources of this planet, you can craft other things that will prove to be deadly to others. Despite that, it’s also hospitable - it has standard oxygen and over 5 fauna species, as well as some flora. The planet itself looks pretty cozy and looks like a perfect place to set up an outpost.
What are the cool things about this planet:
- 7 fauna species
- 5 flora species
- Resources such as tungsten, nickel, lead
A look at the planet:
4. Zeta Ophiuchi I
One of the most exotic names I’ve come across.
This planet is filled with useful resources, such as Ytterbium, which is known in Starfield for creating gun mods. The planet itself is not some boring warren wasteland but it’s filled with eye-pleasing plants and fauna. Of course, it’s not like that ALL the time but at the same time this planet is pretty far from a planet like Zamka or Pontus, they look like hell, frozen hell…
It also has a long list of exotic wildlife that you can explore, the same amount can be contributed to flora. The atmosphere is also human-friendly, filled with standard oxygen.
What you should know about this planet:
- Filled with resources, such as Ytterbium, Alkanes, Iron, Lead, Silver, Water, Tantalum, Chlorine
- 10 species of animals inhabit this planet
- You can also pick up 10 different species of plants
A look at the planet:
3. Schrodinger VIII-a
Does Schrodinger’s cat live there?
This planet is dead and alive. You will never know until you visit it. On a serious note, the atmosphere is filled with thin oxygen, which means that it is safe to walk without the spacesuit. The fauna exists, but it’s not plentiful, only around 4 species can be observed. The water is also safe to drink, so don’t worry too much about dying from some weird disease.
The palm trees and overgrown “mushrooms” are also a sight to behold, as well as some weird crabs roaming around, that you can easily eliminate with your shotgun, like I did <3
What’s nice about this planet:
- Filled with 8 resources: Water, Chlorine, Iron, Lead, Nickel, Alkanes, Cobalt, Uranium
- Unique terrain(exotic plants, trees, grass, etc)
- Human-friendly atmosphere allows you to walk without a spacesuit
A look at the planet:
2. Zelazny II
Sounds like a typical Eastern European name.
Both fauna and flora are plentiful, when it comes to the atmosphere of the planet, it’s filled with standard oxygen, which means that you can freely wander the planet without the worry of suffocating and dying a terrible death. Furthermore, the water is biological and nonthreatening to the player.
Don’t anger the wildlife, don’t stray too far from your outpost, and drink plenty of water - if you do all 3 of these things, then you should be good!
What’s awesome about this map:
- 8 resources in total: Water, Argon, Tungsten Chlorine, Iron, Lead, Titanium, Chlorosilanes
- A non-toxic atmosphere, allows you to roam around almost freely
- Exotic/plentiful flora and fauna
1. Freya III
The name reminds me of some goddess…
And the planet also seems godlike. It’s filled with incredible colors painting the terrain, and fauna that seem beautiful and incredibly deadly at the same time. While the planet sounds pretty nice so far, the resources themselves are not that exotic, the rarest of them is the Hexatrinylaminylene.
My favorite part of Freya III is the fact that it’s located relatively near Akila City, which allows for fast travel. This allows you to sell resources and other goods way faster.
What you can expect from this planet:
- Exploration without the spacesuit, although there are rare periods where radiation occurs
- It has that weird scorpion creature that likes to stab you every once in a while
- Awesome, colorful landscapes filled with life(one of the more unique planets that you can play on)
A look at the planet: