15 Video Games That Use Sex to Boost Sales: Page 14 of 15

Because sex sells!
Because sex sells!

2. Scarlet Blade

There are games that aren’t afraid of exposing a little skin, of resorting to fan service every now and then to appeal to those among the audience who enjoy that sort of thing.

And then there’s Scarlet Blade.

Up to now, we’re not quite sure what Scarlet Blade (a.k.a Queen’s Blade in Korea) is about, but it seems to be a science fiction MMORPG populated by femme fatales who harbor a passionate hatred for sensible clothing. Seriously, the costumes in Scarlet Blade spit in the face of physics, and make the scantily clad women of fantasy games such as World of Warcraft look like Maria von Trapp from The Sound of Music.

Simply put, Scarlet Blade boasts an over-the-top raunchiness that’s hard to swallow. It may be one of the sexiest games in existence, but that comes at the cost of good taste. But hey, at least we can’t fault the game for not knowing its audience!








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