15 Video Games That Use Sex to Boost Sales: Page 12 of 15

Because sex sells!
Because sex sells!

4. Lollipop Chainsaw

A cheerleader in a microskirt who fights using a chainsaw? Well of course you know it’s going to be about more than just zombies!

Lollipop Chainsaw is a hack and slash action game starring the smoking hot Juliet Starling, a zombie-hunting cheerleader who has a head for a boyfriend. Actually, the boyfriend originally came with a body, until she had to lop his head off to prevent his zombification. Did we mention he survived decapitation?

If that sounds ridiculous, that’s because the entire game is insane. Zombie rockers, outrageous violence, cut scenes featuring Juliet in compromising positions, and campy dialogues replete with sexual innuendos are what Lollipop Chainsaw is all about. So if you enjoy your gore which huge dollops of sex, Lollipop Chainsaw is the game to play.






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MichaelLogarta 8 years 7 months ago


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