17 Most Awesome MMORPG Games of 2016: Page 5 of 17

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5. Black Desert Online

You'll feel every kill with Black Desert's action combat system.

When you think of an action based MMORPG you normally think of TERA Online. Well it’s time to turn your attention to one of the most anticipated games for the past few years: Black Desert Online. This game has swept the MMORPG community away with its combat system, graphics, and detailed character creation. With Black Desert you get to prove your skill in battle, which is more difficult with older tab targeting system MMORPGs. More and more online gamers are turning to action based experiences, so come see what all the hype is about!

Black Desert Online has two different guild wars, open world pvp, mounted combat, and a real world feeling with the intricate weather system. You can now explore a deadly desert map full of hundreds of new quests. With no mini-map vision allowed, it will become easier to get lost and die from dehydration or heat illnesses. Grab a tent for protection, a canteen of water, and a camel for transportation before daring to traverse the great desert.

While you’re doing that please enjoy the beautiful character creation. Be prepared to spend hours on your character if you are a perfectionist like myself. The amount of options in the modification of your avatar are immense. Everything is customizable. Besides creating characters you can also create a home! Now your housing system is instanced, so when you do visit your house you will have to say bye to your friends. NO VISITORS ALLOWED (haha!). Now, any of the buildings in Black Desert can be bought for use. You can use it as a home, a warehouse (more bank storage), or a refinery for processing materials! Grab your handy décor catalogue because living in style is the way to go. 

black desert online, soldier, view, landscape, graphics

I can see my house from up here.

black desert online, action combat system, aim

All I have to do is aim....


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My IGN is Kai, and I'm 22 ;D #beabae
Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: PVP
Currently Playing: Overwatch, LoL, WoW
Top 3 Favorite Games:World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, League of Legends,

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Bawmba's picture

Bawmba 7 years 12 months ago

Great list, there are other good games out there but this is a good short list for a handful of awesome games.

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