17 Most Awesome MMORPG Games of 2016: Page 17 of 17

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17. Bless Online

Become a beautiful member of this open world adventure called Bless Online.

Bless Online is one game I have been hyped about for over three years. I will admit that my heart sunk a bit when I found out Aeria Games bought the rights for Bless in the West. Although Aeria Games has a history for creating pay2win games, I still have a lot of hope for this game (and so should you).

While the character creation doesn’t reach the extremes of Black Desert, it still offers so much more customization than your regular MMORPG. One of my favorite aspects of this game, are the brilliant graphics. They don’t follow the “realistic” style, but I never want to tear my eyes away. Bless Online also gives you the option to play with “tab-targeting” or an “action” combat system. No longer are you forced to play in a method you don’t prefer. Bless online has an open world system, meaning no invisible walls when your climbing up that mountain! Hardcore parkour!

Although Bless online won’t be released for probably another year or two in the West, this game is definitely worth the wait time. Prepare for taming pets, exploring the grand open world system, battling bosses, and pvping your heart out in this medieval fantasy world.

bless online, capital city, dragon flight

Now…where’s the bathroom….? I knew we should have stopped at the previous flight point.

bless online, pvp, siege

I leave for one weekend and this is what happens.

17 Most Awesome MMORPG Games of 2016

Playing an MMORPG isn’t about just videogaming.  As nerdy as this will sound, it’s like a second life.  This is your chance to visit unique worlds that only ever existed in your imagination.  This is your opportunity to let loose and be yourself around like-minded people. You can meet some of your closest friends (or lovers) in an MMORPG. When I say playing an MMO can change your life, I speak from experience. Are you ready for a change?

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My IGN is Kai, and I'm 22 ;D #beabae
Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: PVP
Currently Playing: Overwatch, LoL, WoW
Top 3 Favorite Games:World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, League of Legends,

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Bawmba's picture

Bawmba 7 years 12 months ago

Great list, there are other good games out there but this is a good short list for a handful of awesome games.

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