17 Most Awesome MMORPG Games of 2016: Page 10 of 17

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10. Life is Feudal

Survive among the tough, and you'll become one yourself.

Living in medieval times always seems like such an exciting prospect. In all reality, they were tough times with many real dangers to one’s life. You need to be tough, resilient, and smart to make it alive for more than a few days. Many games will claim to be “medieval” themed, and all they do is throw some swords and old armor at their characters. If you really want to experience the medieval culture, Life is Feudal has the answer.

To survive in Life is Feudal, you need to collect resources and then craft them into usable objects.  This means you need to kill animals for food and clothing, collect branches for making tools, and chop down trees for your home. However, you aren’t only fighting nature to stay alive. There are groups of enemy players who will raid your home, attack you in the middle of nowhere, and steal your possessions.  You may need to fortify your home into a small town, a city, or a fortified keep. You can dig tunnels and trenches to help keep your land safe.

While the crafting system is intricate, you also have a unique skill system. You do not level in Life is Feudal, but carefully organize your limited skill points in the best way that suits your playstyle. Oh, and if you die…you lose skill points.  When you kill other players, the greater your skill point loss will be once you are finally killed. Do you accept the challenge of a feudal life?

Life is Feudal, build fortresses

Well, for the price I had to buy it. Though, a beachfront view would have been better…

Life is Feudal, logging, building, cutting down

Real men use both hands when handling wood…

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My IGN is Kai, and I'm 22 ;D #beabae
Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: PVP
Currently Playing: Overwatch, LoL, WoW
Top 3 Favorite Games:World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, League of Legends,

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Bawmba's picture

Bawmba 7 years 12 months ago

Great list, there are other good games out there but this is a good short list for a handful of awesome games.

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