17 Most Awesome MMORPG Games of 2016: Page 11 of 17

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11. Kingdom Under Fire 2

Will you conquer everything...or watch it all slip away?

Kingdom Under Fire 2 is your typical high fantasy themed game. There are three factions in a constant struggle to gain the upper hand against the others. The reason why we can’t just bunch in Kingdom Under Fire 2 with all the other high fantasy MMORPG’s, is because this game has aspects of real-time strategy. There are times where you can fight by yourself in a campaign with a mighty army, or join forces with another player.

You are the leader of an army, and you must guide them to victory as you storm castles. You will need to break apart walls, rush up ladders, and tactically decide where to send your men!  If you join a guild you can them amass an even larger army. You can invade enemy’s lands, and a moment later have to defend your own from complete destruction. Form alliances, because you can’t (always) fight this battle alone.

Kingdom Under Fire 2, war, sieges

This is our battle! This is our life! We fight for what is ours, and what will be. We fight for freedom!

Kingdom Under Fire 2, war, boss fights

One more step, and I swear I will tear you apart.

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My IGN is Kai, and I'm 22 ;D #beabae
Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: PVP
Currently Playing: Overwatch, LoL, WoW
Top 3 Favorite Games:World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, League of Legends,

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Bawmba's picture

Bawmba 8 years 1 week ago

Great list, there are other good games out there but this is a good short list for a handful of awesome games.

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