Top 15 Games Like MGS5 Phantom Pain (Games Better Than MGS5 In Their Own Way): Page 2 of 14

Games Like MGS5 Phantom Pain
‘V Has Come To’: Metal Gear Solid V sees you play as Venom Snake as he completes missions with the help of his cybernetic hand. FALCON PUUUUNCH!!

14. Quantum Break (Xbox One, PC) – 2016

(Contains story spoilers)

Arguably one of the most innovative games in recent memory, Quantum Break is a masterclass in game design and innovation, not to mention its riveting story. Developed by Remedy Entertainment, the studio behind Alan Wake, Quantum Break revolves around and lets you play as Jack Joyce, who after a somewhat cliched trope of failed experiments, gains time manipulation powers. This enables him to stop, freeze and hasten time according to varying situations, allowing for exhilarating gameplay that ties into one heck of a story.

The game also ties into a miniseries of sorts, played by the voice actors themselves (Aiden Gillen of Game of Thrones’ fame plays the main antagonist, which he plays magnificently.) The game’s time-centered plot also lends itself to a branching narrative that allows for different outcomes to events in the game, as well as affecting the tie-in miniseries itself.

Similar to MGSV in that: it’s a fun and action-packed as a third-person shooter, allowing you to use a wide arsenal of weapons and time-based powers to complete different scenarios. Also, the cutscenes and the tie-in miniseries reminds one of Metal Gear’s quite expansive and intriguing cutscenes of its own.

Better than MGSV in that: the plot is a little less convoluted and drawn-out, while still retaining some weight. There is a branching storyline affected by choices you make in-game. The concept of having a tie-in miniseries is pretty innovative on its own, often blurring the lines of video game and actual visual media.

‘Really Makes You Feel Like Neo’: One of Jack’s main powers, the ‘time shield’ allows you to stop bullets dead in their tracks, similar to Keanu Reeves’ iconic role in The Matrix.

Choices Make or Break You: The game features points in the storyline called Junctions, which allow you to temporarily take control of the game’s antagonist Paul Serene (played by Aiden Gillen) and make a decision that will impact the next act of the story while also directly tying into an episode of the miniseries.

‘Fastest Man Alive’: Jack Joyce can use a move called ‘time rush’, which temporarily allows him to move faster than anything else and get up close to an enemy to perform a melee attack, similar to MGSV’s reflex mode but a hundred times more badass.

Well-renowned purloiner of Cinders. Perpetually filled with conniptions. I will beat anyone for some of that dank First Fire - even sickly neets with giant crippled big brothers. Also, I write.
Gamer Since: 1999
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Monster Hunter World (PC)
Top 3 Favorite Games:Dark Souls 3 , Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn