Top 15 Games Like Undertale (Games Better Than Undertale In Their Own Way): Page 10 of 15

Games Like Undertale
Story-Driven Games Like Undertale to Give You All The Feels

6. Alicemare

Alicemare Gameplay

Alicemare is a horror adventure game set in an alternate reality where nothing is as it seems. The Cheshire Cat is actually a soul-sucking demon, your orphan friends are actually doorways into other dimensions, and the teacher ‘protecting’ you is actually using you as a guinea pig. Completely combat-free, Alicemare is far more interested in exploration and creepy settings than jump-scares or chase scenes. The storyline is confusing at times, but the quirky characters and punchy musical score bring depth and life to this RPG maker title.

A dark and gritty landscape! This isn’t your typical Alice in Wonderland story.

No friends here, only riddles. The Cheshire Cat has some interesting tastes!

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From the fields of Britannia to the dungeons of Nilfgaard, Wes has dedicated thousands of hours to gamer exploration and the honing of his creative craft. Come and join him on his next adventure!
Gamer Since: 2000
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: WoW Ascension Server
Top 3 Favorite Games:Undertale, Diablo, League of Legends

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