Oculus Rift: 11 Interesting Facts about Virtual Reality Gaming: Page 11 of 11

Looking forward to Oculus Rift
11 things you may not know about VR

1. It will redefine socialization

When Second Life bumps up to first

The Guild - Do You Wanna Date My Avatar

Virtual reality will change the way we game. It changed the way we fight wars and perform life-saving operations. It’s only natural that once implemented on a larger scale that it’ll change the way we interact as well. Social networking and chatrooms will take on a whole new life once VR avatars get put into the mix.

Imagine a boardroom meeting with executives from all over the world or a bunch of friends separated by countries gathering around a table to play a hand of cards. The future of VR opens up the possibilities of creating avatars that can act as ourselves but in the VR setting.

As the technology increases and avatars become more life-like, it may soon even become possible to assert ourselves or idealized version of ourselves into the virtual world. Your friend sitting across from you at the table is suddenly just as natural as if he or she were really there. This could even give a whole new meaning to The Guild’s take on in-game dating in the viral music video, “Do You Wanna Date My Avatar?”

Ladies and gentleman, I give you the future of gaming.


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Drake321's picture

Drake321 5 years 9 months ago

I know about this gaming console in the 90s. Then it was a radically new concept in a gaming industry. But more popular were portable game consoles. Therefore, many have chosen them instead of this game console. Now VR games are very popular. A level of a virtual world in modern virtual reality helmets is much higher. But the cost of high-quality virtual reality helmets is high. In cheap helmets, you can only play low-quality games. A great alternative are the centers of virtual reality. For example, the center of virtual reality in Melbourne - https://virivr.com.au/. Here for a small fee, you can play quality VR games.

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