Top 15 Games Like Bioshock Infinite (Games Better Than Bioshock Infinite in Their Own Way): Page 12 of 15

Games Like Bioshock Infinite
Bioshock Infinite is a fast pace first person shooter. You have to use all the tools at your disposal, as well as your surroundings, to survive against varies types of enemies, from police officers to steam punk robots.

#4: Borderlands    

“Borderlands” gameplay

Journey across Pandora, an alien world filled with monsters and savage lands. Choose one out of four trigger-happy mercenaries as you search the famous Vaults filled with ancient artifacts.  The game is a mix of frantic first person shooter and RPG elements like customizable characters and weapons. Get ready to take out everything in this massive open world, alone or with 3 of your friends with the 4 player co-op.

Set is a unique world, you get to visit an alien planet as you search for treasure and fight the indigenes' species and tribes as well as other characters in search for treasure as well.

Find, collect and upgrade a slew of weapons, each with its own pros and cons, and use them to track the Vault and explore Pandora.

#3: Borderlands 2

“Borderlands 2” gameplay

Visit Pandora once again. Chose one out of four vault hunters facing off against a massive world of monsters and psychos in search of the famous Vault. Fight against the evil mastermind Handsome Jack, as you try to take revenge for him murdering your fellow hunters. Meet all-new wacky characters as well the return of some old fan favorites. Choose from an array of various weapons as you blast your way across Pandora. Play according to your style. Take either a tactical approach where you snipe the enemies from afar or get up close and personal wielding dual rocket launcher. It is up to you. 

Bigger than the previous game, Borderlands 2 is filled with more guns, more enemies to kill and more loot to take.

The second game, with the addition of a mini-map, comes with new weapons and an improved inventory system. This new system is more streamlined and easier to navigate and use.

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Born amid a cold november morning,Dimitar is resistant to frost attack and has base cold resistance of 100.His only weakness is a good game or a pretty woman,
Gamer Since: 2000
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: World Of Warcraft
Top 3 Favorite Games:Assassin's Creed 2 , Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine , Bioshock Infinite

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