The 10 Best Star Wars Games Of All Time: Page 10 of 10

The 10 Best Star Wars Games Of All Time

1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

...and the power in this game, making KOTOR the #1 game on the list.

It’s no wonder KOTOR places number one on a list of best Star Wars games.  A game that focuses on character building and story development this has been a fan favorite for years.  Players try to discover their forgotten past while chasing down antagonist former Jedi Darth Malak.  In doing so they discover their jaded past in a twist so tantalizing we won’t ruin it for the odd man out who hasn’t played it.

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hcramer143's picture

hcramer143 9 years 1 month ago

Great article! Definitely looking forward to the new Star Wars Battlefront .. sounds amazing.

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