10 Movies Every League of Legends Player Should Watch: Page 4 of 10

10 Movies Every League of Legends Player Should Watch
You should definitely watch these!

7. Dungeons and Dragons

This overhyped movie that came out in 2000 quickly went into the books as one of the worst movies of all time. However, if you are serious about your love for fantasy and the lore is what interests you most in any game, then you have to check this out. One can’t claim to be a true fantasy fan unless they’ve seen this movie.

A disclaimer should be given though that you will want your hour and a half back. It is not a League of Legends movie, but it is the same genre and can probably give you a good laugh if you’re really tired or something. If the prospect of watching this movie scares you too much, then you could at least read some of the movie reviews for entertainment. I on the other hand don’t care what people say, I still cry every time I think of Snails. Spoiler alert by the way.

Let's rob the mage tower Snails! It'll be great

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Frankenstein 3 years 4 months ago

Nice POST!

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