Top 15 Best MTG Arena Mythic Rares: Page 11 of 15

Best MTG Arena Mythic Rares
The best among the best

5. Vraska, Relic Seeker - Ixalan

Ahoy, ya land lubber!

Why is it good?

Vraska Relic Seeker is one of the most used cards in the meta, mostly because she fits perfectly with almost all Golgari builds. She can create 2/2 pirates with menace with her first skill, remove a permanent AND create a treasure artifact with her second skill, and go for the sure win with her last skill. This is perfectly suited for most Green-Black decks that have control of the board, or even decks that are going for the aggro route.

Where is it used?

Golgari is the most popular color in the current meta, and almost all Golgari decks feature at least one Vraska, Relic Seeker. Before the sixth turn, the Golgari swarm will have control of the board state, and Vraska can come it and finish things off. She can be found in Golgari Aggro decks, Golgari Midrange decks, and Golgari Control decks.

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George RR Martin once wrote "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies". He may have been talking about gamers too.
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