Top 15 Best MTG Arena Mythic Rares: Page 13 of 15

Best MTG Arena Mythic Rares
The best among the best

3. Doom whisperer – Guilds of Ravnica

Those whispers you hear in the dark are not from nightmares

Why is it good?

A 6/6 flying trample creature with a casting cost of 5 is already an unbelievably good creature. But Doom Whisperer brings down the hammer with his ability to Surveil twice for two life. This demon can cause havoc right at the get go, since his ability does not require it to tap. This means that you can surveil twice immediately after casting this nightmare. As a creature, 6/6 with evasion AND trample is just unfair.

Where is it used?

Doom Whisperer is made for UB Control. The creatures and spells of this build takes advantage of the surveil mechanic, and the demon immediately surveils twice, triggering all sorts of abilities of creatures and enchantments. You can see this demonic whisperer in almost all decks with access to black mana, such as Golgari Aggro, Golgari midrange, Grixis control, Rats Discarder, and UB midrange.

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George RR Martin once wrote "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies". He may have been talking about gamers too.
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