15 Most Expensive Magic Cards (2019 Edition): Page 9 of 15

Most Expensive Magic Cards
The legendary, mortgage-paying power nine.

7. Mox Ruby (Alpha)

Mox Ruby can be used in many classic combos. You can use this to pay for the fireball in a Channel-Fireball. 

Mox Ruby feels like a Mox apart from Emerald and Pearl. It’s a zero-mana artifact that can help cast (more) Lightning Bolts or a Wheel of Fortune on turn one. It’s an artifact that fits well into its color identity. One red mana just means a lot more than one mana of any other color.

There are so many wonderful one mana red spells in a color that cares about cheap artifacts, that this might be my favorite mox. There are too many applications of Mox Ruby to list. From goblins to combo to burn, sometimes all you need is a little more oomph. Oomph costs approximately $4,699.99, Alpha printing.

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Alex traverses the multiverse in search of a greater understanding of storytelling. His Int is higher than his Dex and he’s put most of his skill points into writing, survival and arcana.
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CMClassy's picture

CMClassy 6 years 1 month ago

Cardboard being worth thousands of dollars will never cease to amaze me. As much as WOTC would love to do away with the Reserved list, the people obsessed with collecting and maintaining value are causing trouble in that front. Legacy and Vintage are forever inaccessible because of it.

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