[Top 25] Famous Heroes From Fantasy Movies and Games: Page 3 of 5

Famous Heroes From Fantasy Movies and Games
While not always as lovable as villains, every story needs a hero.

14. Belle - Beauty and the Beast

Belle, the inventor’s daughter. The most beautiful girl in the village, and an incurable bookworm. She dreams of seeing the world, and meeting someone who doesn’t ostracize her for reading.

Perhaps one of the most popular Disney princesses, Belle stands out as a very intelligent woman. Despite the entire village ostracizing her, she is friendly and kind. Her good heart even leads her to trade places with her father as the Beast’s prisoner. Belle may not be a fighter or sorceress, but her heroism is something different entirely. She’s brave and kind, quite literally soothing the savage beast.

Belle’s heroism doesn’t come from daring quests or sword fights. In my opinion, it comes from the morals she exudes. Strength of will, staying true to your character, and embracing your individuality even if others don’t understand. She was one of the first Disney princesses who stood for something more than falling in love. She wasn’t just some damsel in distress, and being that kind of role model makes her a hero in my opinion.
Belle is most known for:

  • Beauty. Literally, her name means beauty.
  • Breaking the spell on the Beast, by falling in love. Cliché, but I don’t think it makes her any less of a strong woman.
  • Her love of books. While the town discouraged it, the Beast gave her a whole library. Man has game.



13. Merlin/Emrys - Merlin

The prophesied young sorcerer. Shortly after his arrival in Camelot, Merlin gets into a fight with Arthur and winds up as his servant. As it was destined.

The name “Merlin” shows up in so many pieces of lore, it’s hard to imagine someone wouldn’t know the famous wizard. The wizard of Camelot, faithful servant of King Arthur. In this adaptation, he keeps his magic secret due to it being illegal. Even under a king that kills his kind, Merlin uses his magic in defense of Camelot. Never letting Uther’s prejudice sway him from doing the right thing.

Merlin is a powerful sorcerer, and many cultures have even prophesied his birth. The Druids, for example, know him as Emrys. He can use magic without incantations, which is very rare. He is adept at many forms of magic such as elemental magic, manipulating the forces of life and death, telepathy, and more. He may be weak in a physical fight, but Merlin’s quick thinking and use of silent magic always gives him an edge.

Merlin is one of the most iconic wizards of history. There are adaptations in games and media everywhere, but his mischief and sass in the show is a great spin on an iconic figure. He’s the hero Camelot needs, if you believe Kilgharrah (and honestly, he was right about everything else).
Merlin is most known for:

  • Being a famous wizard in Arthurian culture, friend and servant of King Arthur.
  • His playful, sassy attitude. Often throughout the show he makes playful quips and banters with Arthur.
  • Powerful magic. Naturally, Merlin is one of the most powerful wizards in existence. Morgana feared him, receiving visions of her death by his hand.
  • His birth. Merlin is not only a prophesied sorcerer, but inherited the gift of being a dragonlord from his father.



12. Link - The Legend of Zelda

A young man from Hyrule. While his background can differ between games, his mission is almost always the same: save Princess Zelda and Hyrule.

Revolutionizing the green tunic, Link is the hero of Hyrule. Saving it from Ganondorf, most of the time. He is a well known hero, and more often than not, the holder of the Triforce of Courage. A skilled swordsman, mostly using the Master Sword and Hylian Shield.Link is a skilled fighter, and in some games, he is a Knight of Hyrule (apparently like his father was).

He almost always fights with a sword and shield, and sometimes other weapons like bows or slingshots. He does have the capacity for magic, but rarely uses it. His skillset is versatile, and you’d better take cover when you hear that “HYAAAH” coming your way.

Link is probably one of the better known heroes, given the popularity of Legend of Zelda. In most games, he starts off as just some regular person, albeit with an aptitude for swordplay still. He’s probably more famous for his famous quotes, though. Like “HYAH” or “HAAAH”. The man truly has a way with words.
Link is most known for:

  • The Spirit of the Hero, which marks him as the destroyer of evil.
  • Wielding the Master Sword and Hylian Shield, powerful heroic artifacts that also prove his heroism.
  • Magic, though it does take a backseat to his melee combat. He’s known to use the spell Din’s Fire, and in Twilight Princess he’s able to transform into a Wolf.


11. Mario - Mario

It’s-a him, Mario! Everyone’s favorite plumber in the Mushroom Kingdom, he’s probably lost count of the amount of times he’s saved Princess Peach- and the world.

I’m not sure there’s a person alive who doesn’t know who Mario is. From his trademark “M” hat to his perky “Let’s-a go,” he’s a staple in the genre. Mario has had so many games, so many incarnations. Almost all of them involve him rescuing Princess Peach from Bowser, though we do get the odd game where there is another enemy. Whether it’s the main series or a spinoff (where are my Paper Mario fans?) this pudgy red plumber is famous worldwide.

He lacks any real combat training, relying mostly on jumping and hammer attacks. This is barring powerups like fire flowers or stars, which give him special abilities. Though if I went into his full list of abilities from all his games, this article would be 10x longer.

I don’t even need to explain why Mario is famous. His place on this list was practically guaranteed. What amuses me more is that I always forget he’s a plumber. Not a hero, or a warrior. Just some average plumber that gets roped into saving the world.
Mario is most known for:

  • Being one of the most iconic video game characters of all time. He makes many cameo appearances in other media.
  • His relationship with Princess Peach. Are they an item? Just friends? Is it complicated? Who can say, but after all the times he’s saved her, I think he’s earned a date.
  • Having a large number of spinoff games, such as Mario Party, Mario Tennis, and Mario Kart.



10. Samwise Gamgee - Lord of the Rings

Frodo’s gardener and best friend, Samwise is a devoted ally in the quest to destroy the One Ring.

When Frodo set out on his quest, Samwise was sent along with him by Gandalf. He proved to be the most loyal member of the Fellowship of the Ring, and it’s no secret that Frodo would have failed without Sam. He’s perhaps one of the best examples of true friendship and loyalty, and during his brief time with the One Ring, resisted its temptations.

He may not be a master warrior or wizard, but Sam’s courage, bravery, and loyalty make him one of the best heroes in the genre. Every time Frodo needed him, Sam was there. Whether it was saving him from the Orcs in the Tower of Cirith Ungol, or carrying him up Mount Doom when he couldn’t move.

I honestly struggled to decide if Sam deserved a higher spot, but maybe I’m biased. Still, many LoTR fans consider Sam the true hero of the story, and I honestly agree. He may not be as widely known as Frodo, but he’s damn close. I hope after the War of the Ring, he got all the po-ta-toes he could eat. He deserves them.
Samwise is most known for:

  • Loyalty. Never once did he falter or abandon Frodo, charging a tower of Orcs to save his friend and later carrying him up Mount Doom.
  • Resisting the temptation of the One Ring. Though brief, Sam did carry the ring for a short time and resisted its temptations.
  • Becoming Mayor of the Shire. After the War of the Ring was won (as was the heart of Rosie Cotton), when Will Whitfoot resigned, Sam was elected Mayor and served seven consecutive seven year terms


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The most lovable NPC you'll ever meet, unless you touch his sweetroll. From the suburbs of New York, gaming has been his whole life.
Gamer Since: 2008
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Wizard101, Final Fantasy XIV
Top 3 Favorite Games:Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn, The Sims 4

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