10 Worst League of Legends Champions Who Desperately Need a Buff: Page 5 of 10

10 Worst League of Legends Champions Who Desperately Need a Buff
Alistar still isn't viable

6. Twitch

Don't be surprised if Twitch players are toxic

Twitch should be better than he is, and many would argue that he shouldn’t be on this list at all. Face it, Twitch’s early game sucks! If he can make it past the 20 minute mark he can participate and do a beasty amount of damage. However, up until then he is nothing but vermin cannon fodder. A simple way to change this around would be to switch up his passive a little bit and give him permanent invisibility that is only broken upon losing half his health. That way champions would have to predict where he is at all times. That is much more fitting of the rat champion.

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Cherrykuns's picture

Cherrykuns 9 years 1 month ago

And I agree with Bard's rather annoying ult. It can save someone (or all of you) depending on the timing, and he's kinda hard to play. The portal seemed to be a good diversion, making the enemy think twice if they'd go the Magical Journey or not. Ekko's coming out pretty soon, and he seemed viable, but an assassin who 'might' not be able to one-shot somebody *cough*leBlanc*cough*, we'll see how he does after his debut.

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